In this Pinterest, Instagram ‘picture perfect’ world, it’s easy to sometimes feel ‘less than’. My house is not as beautiful, or my family photos are not as perfect as the ones on Instagram and my thighs definitely meet in the middle. But there are days when life is pretty darn close to amazing and my house is clean from top to bottom, the kiddies clean their beds without having to tell them a million times and that extra little jiggle doesn’t bother me one bit.
Truth is, we’re all imperfect and life is chaotic and messy but overall life is beautiful. In her new book So Close To Amazing , KariAnne takes us through many of those not so perfect days and DIY stories gone wrong and how she learned to find beauty in every imperfection.
KariAnne doesn’t need an introduction, but if for some odd reason you have not heard of her, she is the very talented voice behind Thistlewood Farms.
I have the honour to know KariAnne personally and I’m blessed to be able to call her a friend. Kari has this God given gift to make you feel like you’re the only one in the room and her words light up your soul and make you feel like you can conquer anything.
In her new book So Close To Amazing, she celebrates the amazing accomplishments as well as the not so perfect times. She sprinkles Grace and some fun DIY tutorials in the mix.
This book will make you laugh out loud and I promise you won’t be able to put it down.
I’m so proud of my dear friend and all that she’s accomplished. All by giving herself a little Grace and celebrating the awesome and teaching us how we too can come Close To Amazing.
Totally agree. I love Karianne’s attutude and it shines in her book. It’s a great read, fun plus inspiring. Have a good d ay!
Thank you recommending KariAnne’s book. This is first I’ve heard of it, I can’t wait to read it. I thoroughly enjoy her blog! Be blessed Lucy!
Thanks for your sharing. There are some places I have not seen in other places. It has helped me realize many kites that are very different from what I knew before.
The book sounds awesome! In a side comment, I don’t know who decided that a thigh gap is beautiful and thighs that meet are not. The presumption is ridiculous when taken from the narrow view and enthroned as truth for a view that purports to be broad and all-encompassing to the exclusion of others. People will always have their own preferences regarding what they consider beautiful. We shouldn’t feel dissed by a current dictate of fashion if we don’t fit a particular view. See and celebrate the beauty in ourselves… our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our homes, our families, and in others and the world around us… and don’t let trending and arbitrary standards upset our focus so that they rule and we feel shame or inadequacy or failure in some aspects of our lives. Now… back to beautiful things. Thank you, Lucy, and Karianne, and the many bloggers (and commenters) who graciously share their discoveries and creative senses with us. YOU are beautiful.
Thank you SO MUCH friend! You are AMAZING! Never so close. 🙂
Happy day!
Thanks for the share, Lucy!
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