I’m excited to share this fun way to decorate sugar cookies. When I first set out to try this method, it didn’t take much for me to become fascinated with the process and the beautiful results.
These adorable little canvases can be as complicated or as simple as you want them to be.
I think it would make a great activity to do with your little ones.
Please visit my post on eHow to see the easy instructions. I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you so much for stopping by today…have a beautiful day…xo
Lucy, I have never seen anything like this and I just can’t find a word to fit how delicate, perfect, beautiful, delightful, swoon worthy they are. Wow! You could make a fortune selling these for special occasions!
These are beautiful!
Truly amazing!
I would pay your BIG BUCKS if you made these! They are the most beautiful cookies I have EVER seen…any chance??? 😉
Oh my gosh! These are so beautiful! I knew you were good at painting but these are amazing! To bad you can’t use the watercolors you have at home on these but they aren’t for eating, they are for painting on paper. My watercolors are shiny and etherial and so beautiful.
I would love to try this because I did something like this on my driveway. A blank canvas is a blank canvas I always say and I decorated my driveway last year with sidewalk chalk. This would be like that. We don’t like sugar cookies but we love butter cookies. Do you think I could try it with butter cookies? If I can find this paint for food and a paint brush that has never been used on paint for paper, I’d like to try this. Thanks for showing us your beautiful work. I’ll take 2 please!
This was really a amazing idea.Hope my kids will love for sure.
Dear Lucy,
I’m working for a french perfum brand, and we love your hand painted sugar cookies.
We were wondering about the process, is it possible for you to make special customized cookies ?
Please send me an email if you would like to have more information.
Thanks for this recipe, to add my collection and serve my family along with my sweet friends.