Good morning, friends…I hope you had a great weekend.
A few weeks ago I shared this photo on Instagram and have since had several people ask for a tutorial for this wreath. Making a custom wreath is easier than it looks and I love that you can customize it to your match your own space. I decided to make a video of the process.
While I have been making videos like these for a few months now, I’m still a little uncomfortable sharing them. It’s not that I’m shy in front of the camera, it’s watching them back that makes me cringe a little so I want to thank you for taking the time to watch them and offer the encouragement you have provided. It means a lot.
By the way, all of the materials I used are currently available at Michaels for 50% off as they are considered fall and well, they’re already onto Christmas decor. So this would be a great time to go out and grab them. 🙂
Thanks again for stopping by. I wish you a great start to your week.
much love,
It’s a beautiful wreath Lucy! You make everything look so easy to make 🙂
Great tutorial, Lucy. I’ve tried wreath-making so many times and mine never look very good. Now that I know how, I’ll give it another shot. I love the different textures, etc. and the tip on using the pumpkin with a floral stem! Thank you!
Absolutely gorgeous!! You are so talented!
Very pretty…and the video is good! You’re a natural!
I’m making a wreath right now. It’s not looking like the pictures I have but it will, I hope. I hope they will be ready for Christmas but if not, then next Christmas. That’s only if I can remember where I put them for next year! LOL Your wreath is so pretty! I don’t think I will be attempting it right now but it’s nice to know there is a video so if I do decide to make it, you will be right there to help me just like if we were best friends and you were visiting my house. I love a person who is also crafty like I am. I thought you might find this interesting since you do watercolors. Did you know you can watercolor on fabric? I just found out and I am happy as a clam! I can’t wait to try it!
Hi Lucy! I loved your video tutorial! In the past, I haven’t been able to make beautiful wreaths to save my soul, but you’ve inspired me to try again.:)