For those of us in the north (and some in the south), there is no denying it has been a long winter. And sadly, I don’t see an end in sight as they’re forecasting colder temperatures and more snow in the coming weeks. Though the days have been frigid and everything around us is under a white blanket, the inside of our homes can tell a different story.
You can already spot spring blooms at the garden nurseries and grocery stores and so while doing a little shopping last weekend, I picked up some pretty tulips and daffodils. Not only do they look so pretty, but they can really cheer up any space. Especially during these very long winter days.
It pleases me so to set up little vignettes like these. Even on the coldest day, you can’t help but to feel warm and joyful inside when you see beautiful flowers adorning your space. I especially love the contrast between this wool basket – which I had ordered from Birch Lane – and the tulips.
You may have heard me mention Birch Lane before HERE and HERE. It has quickly become one of my favourite places to not only shop for affordable home decor, but gather inspiration. It’s a fairly young company, but I have found their customer service to be exceptional.
Speaking of customer service, when this gorgeous storage table was delivered, the delivery guys offered to unwrap it and take the cardboard and wrapping with them so I didn’t have to deal with it. A small detail that makes a big difference. They then carried it and placed it where I wanted, kindly explaining how to attach the drawer handle. At this point I had to chuckle.
I fell in love with this piece because of its chippy perfection. I really appreciate that these pieces are made by hand with re-purposed wood as it makes it feel like it’s treasured find.
I added a little whimsy by placing some birch logs in one of the compartments.
But it comes with two baskets which will be ideal for storing mittens, scarves, hats and all those wintery related items. I also love that it has a drawer where we can put our keys or any mail. It’s my mission to not have this drawer become yet another junk drawer in our home as we appear to have one in every room. Ugh.
I added a few spring bulbs and a couple of plates I painted last week (more details on those in an upcoming post).
So there you have it…a little bit of refreshing to keep me going through this oh so very long winter.
How do you cope with these long winter months?
It’s beautiful! I know it’s just a mudroom but I kind of want to just hang out in their and stare at the tulips. They are my favorite. 🙂
How warm and inviting! I love your mudroom. And that blue table! It looks like a dresser we had done by a local restorer. I love the pop of color it brings to our room. 🙂
This is sooo gorgeous!!!! PINNED
Christine from Little Brags
Gorgeous mudroom.
I am waiting for my Valentine’s tulips–my hubby knows I’d rather see spring blooms this time of the year than roses! I’m in Michigan, so I understand your prolonged winter doldrums …
Love everything you do. Gorgeous!!! May I ask what kind of bulbs you used in The mason jars?? How do you get them growing?? Just in water?? Thanks!!
Your mudroom is amazing! Actually your whole home decor never ceases to amaze me! I love that you combine your lovely DIYs with some bought pieces like this gorgeous blue piece! I’m in love! Great job!
You have a very beautiful mud room, and the pop of yellow from the tulips is just wow!
I agree, Birch Lane has some beautiful home decor (reminds me so much of Pottery Barn), but I wouldn’t call it affordable!
Antonella | Love Your Home Blog
What a gorgeous space Lucy!! That wool basket is stunning!! : )
What a pretty entrance, love all the pretty bulbs and can’t wait to see how you made the plates -love the feathers.
Your mudroom is so pretty Lucy! What a warm and inviting space to walk into from the cold. 🙂
GAH! I love your tulips in your wool basket, it’s stunning!
I can agree, this winter has overstayed its welcome. I’m in Northern Ontario – AKA the hellscape tundra of Canada 🙂 I’m going out and buying fresh flowers later, thank you for the inspiration!
I love spring flowers, even when it’s not spring. I live in CT in the northwest corner so we get plenty of snow. Right now it is below 0 on the thermometer on our porch and it’s 12:24 am. That is just what the thermometer says, not how much it really is with the wind chill. We are getting more snow tomorrow into Sun. and then sometime next week. Your house always looks so nice. I love to see what you’ve done with it in each e-mail. I do a lot of crafting in the winter. I’m making some hair jewelry for my niece right now.
We have a huge picture window in our living room. Below it is our radiators. You can see our whole town from the window. Because of the heat and the sun, my sister says its like a green house right there. I have 3 pots on the window sill. One has Basil in it that has been there since I moved it in in the fall. Today I put out 2 more pots. One has basil and parsley and one has spinach. I know the basil and parsley will grow. We will have to see about the spinach. I’m starting my garden ahead of time!
Nice mud rooms make me so happy. With all of the snow and wind, I could use a little refresh too.
Comfort in the house is not only beautiful furniture or decor, but an atmosphere in which you want to be. I believe that little things play a huge role: soft light from goose creek candles
, comfortable blankets, fresh flowers. Warm shades in the interior also do their job. But the most important thing is the feeling of warmth and harmony that people create. When the house is filled with smiles and care, it automatically becomes the coziest place on earth.