I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend.
I run down the stairs to make lunch only to find an empty fridge as we have yet to go grocery shopping. I’m not sure how I’ll blame the alarm clock for the lack of food in the house, but give me time, I’ll come up with something. Then mommy gears start to go off and I get creative making the kids nutritious healthy lunches (save for the slice of pound cake that made it into their lunch boxes out of desperation).
Okay, not the start I wanted, but now we can start the day again and be productive, right? Wrong. In comes hubby who says “come upstairs and let’s go back to bed’, and that’s all it took. A productive day…going, going, gone.
At the time, I remember feeling not only worried for our future but mostly hurt by the situation. I felt so much pain for hubby – caring for a dying parent, coupled with the loss of his job, the betrayal of a friend and carrying the responsibility to provide for his family? But through it all, hubby had faith and kept assuring me we would be OK. It was during those days that I heard God say to me ‘I got you’.
And God does not lie. In hindsight, hubby being able to spend the final weeks with his Dad – caring for him 24/7 – was a true blessing. Oh, and in part due to the help of another friend, hubby starts a new job on Monday.
So you see, even though things seemed ‘unjust’ at the time and everything appeared out of place, there was always a master plan. One that has slowly been revealed to us and for that we are grateful.
Yes, today was an unproductive day, but we’ll try again tomorrow. And if tomorrow doesn’t work, there’s always next Monday.
Thank you for reading along.
much love,
ps. I hand painted some pretty little roses on a Canvas Corp canvas envelope using DecoArt paints. I have a little video tutorial of how I painted the flowers that I’d be happy to share if anyone is interested 🙂
: ) God is good all the time and all the time, God is good…. so glad to hear about your husband’s new job.
You have an amazing talent…I would love to see the video tutorial.
Have a joy-filled day!
hugs, mb
Glad to know things have worked out for your family! I, too, would love to see the video tutorial. Thanks for sharing the beauty of God’s world through your photography!
Lucy, I am so happy things are working out for you. God has you in hand. The flowers you painted are just beautiful. I love all your work.
Hi Lucy. Thank you for sharing … God is good indeed! You are such a beautiful and talented lady …. thank you for inspiring me. I would love it if you would share your video – tutorial please. Blessings to you and your family from Australia. Shirleyxxx
Dear Lucy,
Thanks for the beauty of the flowers and the envelope. Your writing helps coax faith along.
There really is always a greater plan – we just can’t always see it {which is the hard part}. It has been just over a year since my FIL passed unexpectedly and thankfully my hubby was able to spend the final week at his dad’s side…it carries him through.
Lovely post Lucy – I’m thinking the kids are glad you overslept since it meant a slice of pound cake in their lunches :~) Enjoy your day…
Yes, I would love to see the video…thanks for sharing.
Great post; goes to show if we just keep the faith and realize God has a plan; things really do work out the way He knows will bless and benefit us. Bless you and your family–have a great week (your flowers are beautiful–painted and real 😉
Lucy- Isn’t it amazing how life has all these twists and turns and just when we think it can’t get worse….it does? And, then, looking back we realize that what happened actually happened for our GOOD? And, we would never have had the courage to make the change ourselves without being forced to do so?
I know that God has you in His hands, Lu…you AND your family! Okay…your hubby got home AND you went back to BED…Is THAT the end of the story…or all you are willing to share, anyway? lol
Hey-pop by my blog tomorrow and see the bike I am painting today. Pretty cute if I do say so myself. Love to you- xo Diana
Blessings in disguise…
Yes, how thankful we can be that God does care for us and has a plan even when we can’t see it.
I hope you are having a wonderful day today. As always, your photos are beautiful and inspiring and your envelope is so lovely.
I agree God does have a plan for us all.And he is watching over us.Keep you all in my prayers.Lovely roses.
I so appreciate the way you share the things that happen in your life. Our son and his fiancee were married on Saturday the 28th of April and after applying for over 180 jobs he still has no job. He finished a double degree last year and is doing honours. Our heart has ached for him over this time, but we know that God has an awesome plan for his good. Thank you for encouraging me yet again, to trust God and lean not unto my own understanding!
God is so good to His children. I love reading your post you are such a sweet spirited and humble writer. The Lord knew your husband need those last few weeks with his Dad and he knows he needs a job to supply for his family. The Lord is never too late always on time…isn’t that just wonderful that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us that much! Your artwork is so beautiful, I would love to see the tutorial.
One of Your Blog Friends,
Life does have the strangest ways of offering us blessings in disguise! I am very happy to hear that things are working out for you and your family! This is a beautiful and real post – I loved it! Great photos too!
Dear Lucy,
Thank you for your beautiful post today. God certainly knows the needs of our hearts even better than we do. I am so happy that your husband has found new work (especially in this depressed economy) and that God is a palpable presence in your lives. What a great gift to give your children.
You are so talented in so many different ways. I love those roses and your painted canvas envelope.
May God bless you and keep you close always.
You have a beautiful blog with so many inspiring posts! Congrats on your work!
Would you like to keep in touch following each other?
An inspiring post, Lucy – that is at least one very productive and creative that thing you have done today.
Katie x
Beautiful envelope! I love the colors. ….and yes I have those kind of days all of the time. So sorry to hear of your father-in-laws passing. Good to hear about the new job for your “hubby”. Thanks for visiting Blue Sky Confections! I’m your newest fan!
I just love these amazing photos! Thanks so much for stopping by sweetie, I just followed back!:)
Your pictures are adorable <3 The envelope is wonderful !!!
Great post Lucy, I love your insight you give on your daily struggles. The way you wrote about the chaos of sleeping in was as if I was there, you are an amazing writer. Not to mention a talented artist! I wish I could paint like that on ANYTHING! Woohoo on your husbands new job! It all works out in the end, it is just hard getting through it when your in it.
Lovely, touching post, Lucy, which I just now found ~ a few years late. I’d love to see your tutorial for painting your canvas envelope. Your photography is gorgeous.
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