I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, filled with love, laughter and new memories.
It’s hard to believe that after weeks of preparing for Christmas it is now in the past. We will soon be ringing in the new year and I thought it would be fun to share some of the posts that did not make the final cut. Either due to time, failed attempts or me thinking it was not blog ‘worthy’. Most recently – the little felt birdie pictured above. I think he is so adorable and so he will sit in the ‘draft’ file until next year…:)
I love the non-traditional colours she chose, inspired by peacock feathers I found at the dollar store. She has a beautiful home and I would love to give you a tour, but maybe next time….
The kiddies and I always love the time we spend decorating the gingerbread house. I love how the hard candies we used as bricks make the house look like a quilted Candyland house. So fun..
In the fall, I made pumpkin pancakes for the kiddies, but some one else posted the idea before I did, so I decided not to post it…
When I was contacted by the producers of the Martha Stewart show to potentially showcase my soda bottle penguins on the show (I speak about it here), I was also asked to send other items to showcase. I made this faux cupcake, which several people mistakingly took for real, and tried to eat.
And finally, this Spring I made these tulip popcakes for my cousin’s baby shower (the tutorial also sits in the draft folder…).
So there you have it, some of the craftberries that for some reason or another did not fully bloom.
I am looking forward to the new year as I attempt to give this little blog a makeover. It is my wish that you will be a major part of the changes as I ask for suggestions and advice.
I’m still a novice when it comes to HTML codes and blog design so any advice you might have is welcomed with open arms.
Once again, thank you for a wonderful year. I can’t wait to share yet another one with you, but for now, I’m off to see what you guys are up to. See you soon!
much love,
I can’t believe that the cupcake isn’t real! All your creations are so cool! Have a Happy New Year!
Ohh Lu. You are so talented, you are so real, and you are so genuine. I just think you are the best. I love each of your crafts and I even LOVE all of these craftberries that didn’t fully bloom in your mind. Because they are fabulous and your stories and comments that go with them just show how real and wonderful you are. It was so cool to read about the Martha Stewart show stuff too—how cool! I am so proud of you! :o) I am sorry I missed your announcement the first time around but I caught it is time :o)
xo Hope you had an amazing Christmas my friend!
Your standards are certainly high, Lu! Many of those “rejected” projects would have been great post – but your heart tells you, doesn’t it? Love ya and happy new year!
Hello and Merry Christmas!
Oh my dear, your non-bloomies are so lovely! I guess that’s what the posts that are fully blossomed are extraordinary.
Wow. I am just way excited you actually took the time to post them now because so much of this is just all kinds of fabulous. I am totally digging the angry birds launcher!! I think you could be the coolest mom everrr!! The rock candy looks awesome, the anthro mug just lovely and i love the doily ornament! I can relate to being too hard on myself and I have many a post in draft format too. But your craftberries are always amazing…and those penguins make my heart ridiculously happy. You totally deserve to be on Martha. You inspire me always!
I was hoping some blogger would do this. I often wonder what’s in their draft folder and will never emerge. I liked knowing the whys too (someone else beat me to the punch or it didn’t turn out the way I wanted). Can’t wait to see the makeover. Google is your friend. Whenever I’m trying to figure some HTML stuff out, I google and usually find my answer.
So much fun to have a little peak in to your creative thoughts like this. It’s going to be a great next year, isn’t it? Cheers to awesome craftiness!!
Wow, Lucy! Your “discards”..or unpublished ideas are better than most features I see anywhere! You are WAY too critical on the things you do-most are perfect in every way. I LOVE those little penguins you did!
I hope you are enjoying the post Christmas week with your kids! xo Diana
Wow! That cupcake is not real???? I love love love the penquin, can’t wait to see him again in 2012.
Loved this post – so many amazing things that we would have never seen if you didn’t pull all this together in one blog. Thanks for sharing
Just loving all your creative ideas! Please,please show us how you did your little felt owl. Just to good to push aside. When you are ready I would love to know how you made it. Owls are really big now and dressing them up in different seasons or colors would be a delight. Please share this with us.