Hi friends, I finally found some time to sit down, edit some pictures and create this post.
Tonight, I am feeling a little nostalgic as my eldest son will be going on his first overnight trip with his school. Even though it’s only a couple of nights, I feel as if part of that beautiful silk thread that unites us is slowly unraveling. Perhaps dramatic for some, but such is the bond between a first born and a mother….
The realization that that little bird I once held under my wings and comforted him to sleep will one day leave this little nest of ours makes my heart flutter. But that is not for a while yet as he is only 11….
When I was a child, I recall my mom saying she wished she could put us in a glass box and keep us in there forever; I never understood what she meant and my little child imagination didn’t think it was such a great idea….
I obviously now understand that she wanted her most prized possession to be kept from harm; like a precious artifact that sits safely behind the glass of a museum exhibit. Kept away from hands that can harm it and thieves who could steal it. But alas, life is such that one has to let them go so one day they can grow up and have their own precious artifact to take care of…..
Well my sweet friends, I hope you are having a great week so far! Thank you for your sweet company and for allowing me to be a bit ‘dramatic’. Have a great day!
much love,
p.s. You can make your own little mushroom by following the instructions here. I simply painted them red and added a few white dots…xo
Beautiful as always!
I totally understand your feelings regarding your son. They do grow up quickly and we mothers often get nostalgic for the days when our precious children wanted to be held and cuddled and we felt we could protect them from the world’s interference. But we must give them wings!
I hope your son has a good school trip and has loads of things to share with you when he gets home.
Love your little village — especially the unexpected addition of the teapot and cup — so whimsical.
This color combo is not my go to…but I’m so drawn to it. Very cute village! Your attention to detail is impeccable. Carrie
Hi I totally understand how you feel. My boys are 19 and 22 and they are still at home, my first born ready to go off and create a new nest! He was upset over something the other day and I felt so helpless, years ago I would scoop them up in my arms and everything would be alright!
I didn’t realize at first that the houses were actually bird houses,clever you, you make Christmas so inviting and cosy.
Merci, c’est très joli
Bonne journée
Very nice and oh so very very sweet! Love this post!
You are just so talented. Beautiful post. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Cheers
beautiful. gorgeous. stunning. uplifting. ’nuff said 🙂
What a beautiful little “village” here, Lucy. I love it! I know what you mean about the threads unwinding. It is hard to let them go…especially boys because it is a more definite cut than with girls. Girls always come home to their Moms…providing it’s been a good relationship. Boys become men and have a harder time “coming home”…I have been blessed with my own kids- and I pray the same for you! xo Diana
………. /)
……… ( , )
……..|░░░|☆ merry _(♥)_
…¨˜“გª¤.¸::¸.¤ª☆“˜¨¨happy new year.
My only child is a boy. I wonder who he will marry one day, will she have a big family, will my son come home to us? Boys are different than girls when they grow-up. It seems the girls always have that connection with their mothers, but boys create their own homes, with their own families, and we, as parents, are lucky to have them sleep under our roof from time to time. My son’s only 9 so this is, of course, all speculation on my part.
Lucy, your hands are your gift. You create the most adorable clay pieces that I have ever seen!! Share your talent, my friend.
Where did you get the mouse, bird and penguin!!! Every thing looks great. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas.
This is so sweet. Inlove the houses and the teapot and cup with the trees. So adorable.
It is difficult to watch our kids grow and be independent. Our hearts are torn by wanting to let them grow but wanting to protect them.
It’s a great idea for a party table. My children will be very happy to see such a lovely colored table, I’ll be sure to do that. Many children have problems writing their school essays, so I recommend checking out the informative blog https://betterwritingservices.com/50-great-argumentative-essay-topic-ideas/. Education plays a very important role in everyone’s life, so every child has to try and study hard to succeed.