Hi dear friends. It’s time to enjoy yet another weekend. We have a busy weekend ahead and even though it should be fun, at this moment I feel like just snuggling with a good book and a warm cup of tea. The skies are gray and the swaying trees tell me there is a cold breeze outside.
The leaves are slowly but surely changing colour as the wind gently teaches them how to fly. They gather about the green grass and in unison jump at the wind’s command and take flight.
The branches of the trees – now starting to look bare – wave farewell. They know that it’s time to rest and even though they will miss the warmth of the sun, they faithfully prepare for their long slumber as they know that God will provide them with a glorious summer once again.
The sound of the birds is also ceasing, save for the chatty geese forming a perfect V in the sky as they fly towards warmth. I always wonder what they say to each other. Are they catching up with old friends? Planning their vacation? Or simply singing to pass the time?
Autumn is perhaps the seasons that brings me the most inspiration as something in the air makes me feel like a true artist. I have been doing a lot of painting lately, and a lot of thinking too.
Thinking of what I want to be when I grow up and if this little blog of mine will be part of that. Thinking of how I can allow myself to just be free of those hurdles I’ve made up in my head and are not really there. Thinking how to be like the leaves and the geese and reach new heights.
These moments of solitude sometimes bring answers, but they also bring questions.
Here is one such question, the responses to which may dictate an upcoming post. Would you be interested in some of these images for yourself?
While painting these, I thought it would be fun if I could scan them for those interested so you could have your own book page paintings.
I very much appreciate not all art is for everyone and what is deemed beautiful to one, is not necessarily beautiful for another. Art truly is in the eyes of the beholder.
So your honest response is appreciated and I will do my best not to take it to heart if you choose not to respond.
Here is a little peek of the prints I painted…
I painted some leaves and an apple
as I thought it fit for the season…
They are hand painted with watercolour
on a printout of a vintage dictionary
page from the Graphic Fairy
I painted some on plain paper, dyed in coffee
as to achieve a ‘vintage botanical print’ look.
So there you have it, me offering my art to you as a gift and at the same time putting myself out there trying to jump over that insecurity hurdle.
I await your response – good or constructive – and if enough of you show interest, I will scan them and have them ready for you next week.
I wish you a beautiful autumn weekend!
Hey there, These are beautiful. I wrote a comment previous to this one and it’s lost in cyberspace. It dissapeared as soon as I clicked on the post comment button. Anyway, I’ll try again because it’s important to me that you know that you are appreciated. I admire your artistic skills ~ and please don’t consider non comments as a rejection. I’ve been having problems posting comments for the last few days. I hope this one goes through. Take care,
So very beautiful … you are very talented.
Coucou, Hello
Thank you for sharing and offering your so beautiful and poetic universe. It really feeds our imaginary. I don’t write comments every time I come but I really love what you do, your blog emanate so much peace, thank you again.
Lucy, they are beautiful! When I first started reading, I thought maybe they were printed on tissue paper and glued to the book pages. I was so pleasantly surprised to find you painted them. We are our own worst critics. I put stuff out there that I “thought” people would find “hokey” but they were well received. Be fearless! You are truly amazing!!
hi Lucy,
I am totally inspired by these leaves, they are lovely. I thought you had painted directly onto dictionary pages… very clever to incorporate the digital pages. Your photography is also very nice! Thanks for sharing.
So glad you put yourself & your artwork out there… it is gorgeous! Thank for sharing, I gotta try this! Blessings!
I agree with everything everyone has said so far. You have AMAZING talent. Not only do you have a gift when it comes to painting but your writing is just as amazing. I get lost in your words and your art. It really does speak to my soul. Did you paint the birds as well? I especially love them. Hope you have a glorious Sunday.
Lucy– I am new to your gorgeous work and inspiring blog– I so appreciate your idea to share your work– we are richer for it!
I think they’re beautiful and I envy your talent :o)
Lucy, My favorite time of year, your presentation is awesome. Your ability as an artist, writer…
best of all …’an Original Ideologist’…
creates the most beautiful ambience for the mind and soul.
Thank you
Count me in for a complete set.Please
HI, I love your leaf pictures, especially the ones over print. I have for a long time had a “thing” for print art. I am not an artist but have used that type of rubbers stamp to make cards. Recently,I made a pumpkin like yours and had forgotten where I saw the instructions. Mine is posted on my new blog under The colors of September. http://www.bsneeringer.blogspot.com Last week I cut out leaf shapes from a paperback book and will show those soon. Keep up the good work!
I love your leaf paintings! I really like how you painted onto old book pages. My painting skills are pretty much non-existent, so I appreciate your offer to share your work, because these paintings are exactly what I would love to be able to paint and hang in my house!
This is an all around beautiful post! Lyrics, photography, and those beautifully painted leaves! Bravo! Bravo!
You are such a wonderfully creative person and an amazing artist, Lucy. Put any thoughts of doubt out of your mind. I love your paintings, every single one of them. This is the time of year when I start to feel most creative too. I’m starting to think about some new art projects I should try. Sometimes it’s so hard to fit everything I want to do into the day. Hope you’re having a good weekend 🙂
I love these paintings!! So perfect for Fall. I wish I had the talent to recreate them!
Ohhh Lucy! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to have a “print” I wish you would sell the originals! I LOVE them and think they would be amazingly beautiful framed in my living room—I have just the place for them! Yayyyy I am so happy you are willing to start putting yourself out there! I have no doubt that you will get great responses from all of your adoring fans!
Jaime from crafty scrappy happy
Beautiful! 🙂
What a beautiful post! Your artwork is stunning! I would love those hanging in my home.You have such talent.
They are lovely! Thanks for sharing your talent.
Your paintings are gorgeous. Unfortunately my painting skills ended with my living room walls so I’m glad you’re sharing with all of us. Keep up the good work.
See my right hand up in the air waving to indicate I am one who loves your work and will jump at the idea of having any. Every since I found your blog, I have been thriled with your creativity. You do good work!!
These are amazing pieces of art. I teach an art camp in the summer with kids and this would be a fun activity for them to do! I have only recently discovered your blog, but just love what you do.
You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and talent. I would be honored to own a set of your beautiful art. ♥
Oh my goodness they are beautiful. You always have the most beautiful things posted here and your book page pieces are no exception! I would love to own a set!
I love Autumn leaves and I love watercolors, so these are the perfect combination to me. I think they’re beautiful!
I would be very blessed to be able to acquire copies of your art. I’ve been weeding out blogs that are obviously just words thrown together to “put something out there”. Yours is mos def NOT one of those. You are artistic with your words, your art and crafts. Thank you for using your talents to make the blogosphere a beautiful place!!
Love these. Just beautiful. I would love to have these in my home to celebrate autumn.
I love them all you are soo talented…but I especially am in love with the birds <3
Thank you for sharing your personal art!!
I have to say that I haven’t seen a project from you that I didn’t fall head over heels for. We must be on the same wave length… and you are just plain that talented. Yes, these would make really fun printouts and I can already see hanging a few in the kitchen or on the mantle. Much love!!
I love them! Especially the birds
I have left comments only to have them “go away” as soon as I hit post comment! It has been going on for a couple of weeks or more for me. Maddening!! Your paintings are simply gorgeous and I LOVE them and would LOVE to have scanned copies of them! Your blog is one of my favorites and I would be sad if you were gone
I was getting so caught up in posts and followers and comments and then one day I just stopped doing that to myself! I felt it was becoming a popularity contest and I didn’t want that. So….I post when I have something to post and when I don’t….I don’t…lol That mindset has been working much better for me….I will never have thousands of followers, but the faithful few who always leave the sweetest comments just make it all worth it for me…
Hope you are having a great day 🙂
Lou Cinda 🙂
Susan said: Your words under the picutres are absolutely lovely. So poetic and beautiful just as your paintings are. How wonderful that you have been given this gift and that you are choosing to share it with others.
(I am having to post this anonymously as Blogger isn’t working properly. s_huston@hotmail.com)
These pieces are lovely. Thanks for sharing. ~Eve
These are fabulous. I chanced upon you blog and I am awestruck by your talent.
I love what you have done and I truly mean that! It fits my decor very well. I love leaves and the fact it is painted on an antique dictionary page I’m imagining it framed in our study – so perfect a compliment to my leaf lamp near the rocker.
I think these are beautiful and a framed set would look awesome in any room. The bright colour ones are my favourite. You are such a great talent. I would love a few of these in my home. please don’t get caught up in what you think people would like…always do what you like. hugs
Absolute loveliness you can feel!
Oh, i just noticed your use of “lovely” regarding comments.
Delightful, then 😉
I LOVE them!!! I am currently framing a number of things and putting them together in a frame collage in my living room. I would put those up in a second, they are so beautiful!
You are so talented! these are all such beautiful works of art.
Absolutely stunning ~ I love these! I would put these in my living room in a heartbeat ~ let me know if they become available?
Yes, yes, yes. These are absolutely beautiful, Lucy! I’d love to frame one (or more) of these to hang by my library… I’m so impressed with your work. You have such a gift with art — and writing!
Oh goodness, yes, I would absolutely love a set of these! They are so beautifully done! Thank you for your willingness to share your talent.
They’re gorgeous, especially the leaves.
You are so kind to share such creativity with the world! Thank you…I would love a set
I just found your blog via the Fall Door Decor linky party. I am loving it! These leaves are beautiful. I am especially drawn to the leaves painted on the simple whiter background. Just beautiful. I would be so happy to have these as prints. What a generous heart you have!
Big bloggy hugs,
I just stumbled on your blog by accident following a few links. I love, love, love these! I hope you scan them! They’re absolutely wonderful! Was that enough exclamation points? If not… !!!!:D
They’re beautiful. The biggest compliment I can give you though is that I like them so much, I’m going to try making some myself. I don’t think they will be as lovely as yours, but if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then I intend to flatter. Thanks for sharing your art.
These are amazing, what a wonderful idea. I may have to incorporate something like this into my art sketchbook for school, maybe the painting of the apple as I’m doing fruit and vegetables. Really great work, keep it up!!
These are just beautiful and what a great idea, keep sharing. and yes i do have to start following you 🙂 squeakycorner
Thank you for putting yourself out there. These paintings are beautiful. I would of never thought about painting on a page let alone in a book. Thank you again.
I am a new subscriber to your blog and have really enjoyed it. Your artwork is so beautiful and the bird painting and leaves are wonderful. I would love it if you find the time to scan and share your beauty with your followers. How generous of you to offer.
I love your leaf prints – and did download – of course now I am going through all you past posts – but wanted to say – I am thoroughly enjoying myself and your work.
You are truly an artist. You inspire me to be creative! Thanks
-Ryan Lynn
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Having just found your blog today I am so impressed with your talent. It’s so incredible that you would have any doubts about who would enjoy your prints. I’m hoping I can find the post where you offered the prints, I love leaves, something about them just draws me in.
I am so happy when fall starts to be able to use the fall colors which seem to just speak to me, I really get into decorating for fall. If I can’t find the prints you offered will you direct me to them please? I’d so love to have them.
It’s me again and I found the prints on your post. Hopefully they’ll print out when I have ink as I saved them. I am so enamored of your blog, it’s fantastic. Looks like alot of other people feel that way also from the comments.
This would be perfect for my mom. She has arthritis in her hands and is truly lamenting the loss of the beautiful penmanship she had. She is of the “letter writing” generation so writing, penmanship is very important to her. I think this would be perfect to lift her spirits, exercise her hands and restore her confidence in writing again.buying kindles
Good article thanks
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