Have you ever noticed how easily newscasters can transition from delivering bad news to talking about the great weather we are having? They read their prompters and deliver both stories in the same tone of voice but are able to change their facial expressions ever so slightly as they read.
Well, as I type this, I find myself trying to just read the prompter and make that transition from the horrible topic that is domestic violence, to going back to the happy place that is my little Craftberry Bush.
I can’t help but to feel guilty, but alas (I love those ‘alas’), this is my happy place.
But before continuing, I wanted to say thanks to all of you who took the time to read the post, share your thoughts and/or offer advice on a very important topic. My eyes were opened to a serious matter that I could not ignore and so thank you for allowing me to use this forum to bring awareness to it. If you missed the post, please take a minute to read about it here.
(Insert transition face here)
I thought this would make an easy and cute craft for Bella and I to do together. But instead of painting all of them, I decided to use the same technique I used here and make them into friendship bracelets.
After reading Suzy’s tutorial on how to bend the popsicle sticks into shape, I simply brushed some ModPodge (glue would also work) to the popsicle stick and wrapped embroidery thread around it.
Some of them we painted …
These were small enough to fit Bella but flexible enough that I could also wear them…
Hello little guy!
Who says you can’t be stylin’ while feeding the wild life?
While making these friendship bracelets, I started to think about my own friendships and how I don’t have any childhood friends. When we were growing up, my family moved around quite a bit I was never able to keep a long lasting childhood friend.
My parents did a fantastic job in helping us adjust to change by always being present and showing us love and guidance and I guess that is why I never felt the need for that childhood friend and why my siblings and I are now so close.
But I have always wondered what it would be like to have that one friend you have known all your life.
I think that having that type of relationship is healthy and it probably enhances your life, but what do you think? Did I miss out on something great? I’m curious to hear your thoughts.
In the meantime, I thank you for your current friendship to me.
Have a wonderful and happy day!
much love,
ps. I’ll be joining the Pinterest challenge over at Bower Power. If you have any projects you have tackled from Pinterest or if you need some extra motivation to get them done, you are sure to find it over there.
I had several good friends when I was little. Some I stayed in touch with a looong time. then they got weird. I was also very close to my brother, but I need girls to hang with and had no sisters. I really miss those friednships and when I look back I realize how lucky i was to have them. I only wish we were still close. Childhood friends are sooo important and special, because sometimes they CAN last (my nrother is still best friends with his childhood friends)…they know all your secrets, your desires, your dreams. And they watch you grow and evolve and you watch them. they bring a different feel then family. And it’s awesome. Anyway, because you had Carlos and Didi, you didn’t miss out because you had friends built in. 🙂 Love ya 🙂
I don’t have any childhood friends either, Lu. I moved school districts when they redrew the lines in our county and so I had to change schools. We lived in the mountains so we never “visited”. At my new school (which was very small) all the friendships had been formed since kindercare on and I was an “outsider”. I made friends but never had any contact once I left school.
I met my best friend in a laumdramat in Florida when I was 21 and we have been friends for 40 years…God smiled on me the day I met her- xo Diana
The friendship bracelets are just beautiful. I love your color choices and designs! If it is alright with you, I’d love to feature them in my wrap-up post at the end of the month.
Oh these are so cute. I would’ve never thought to make a popsicle stick into a bracelet. One of my best friends is someone I’ve known since about third grade. I know God meant us for each other…our lives overlap in so many ways 🙂
omg I can’t get over those pictures! Awesome!
Monika in Saskatoon
I have to find out how you bent those sticks to make bracelets, they are incredible, so versatile, love ’em. Love colors, patterns and different ways to decorate them.
I am very lucky to have 2 friends from when I was 13 and 14. We still talk alot, When I was 10 we moved from Cleveland, Oh to Tucson due to my brother’s health. So I needed to make new friends. I saw some of the kids I met in 5th. grade thru to freshman year in high school when I went to the reunion.
I keep in touch with my old friends, they are so important in my life.
I met one friend at a pool in Tucson when I was about 13, we’d only see each other in summer. I lost touch with her for long time then when I was looking for a job at Bob’s Big Boy I went in backand there she was. Shortlyafter that I got divorced and we’ve kept in touch since then. A year after she moved to San Diego we did too. She stops by to see us every couple years and we email weekly.
In 2008 I went back to Tucson for my50th.high school reunion, was so great.I was able to stay visiting with best friend from freshman year in high school for almost 3 weeks. I even took out a loan so I could go and be able to have some time and money to enjoy the trip. Was so worth it. If we could we’d move back to Tucson.
I guess you could say once I’m friends with somebody I keep the connection unless they let me know they don’t want to anymore. There’s just nothing like an old friend. I love the two longest friends like they were my sisters. I’ll be 72 tomorrow.
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I think friendship bracelets are such a sweet idea! I love that they can remind us of the friendships we built. I relate totally to the feeling of having to move a lot as a kid, so making friends that stuck was hard. Ironically, it sort of feels the same as my experience with the thesis: At the beginning, I was feeling a bit lost and not knowing whom to approach. Then suddenly, it was like having a reliable friend in the form of a ‘Thesis writing service near me‘ service that provided the direction I needed. We all need that extra help sometimes!
Such a lovely and creative idea for a friendship bracelet! The design is simple yet meaningful. As someone who specializes in Business Plan Creation Abu Dhabi, I can appreciate how important it is to craft something that’s both thoughtful and well-executed, just like this beautiful bracelet idea.