It’s Tuesday evening. The kiddies are in bed, hubby is working away on his laptop and I’m staring at the screen of mine. It’s only the humming sound of the furnace performing its daily duty of keeping our home warm that breaks the silence. This gives me pause for reflection of how fortunate we are to have a warm place to call home, yet sadly recognize how often I take that for granted.
Earlier this evening while washing dishes, I discovered we had no hot water and they can’t repair the hot water tank until tomorrow, meaning it’ll be cold showers for everyone in the morning. Isn’t it funny how we don’t realize how good we have it until something goes wrong?
Today I wanted to share these shelves hubby had built for us a couple of weeks ago. It was a last minute decision and one which admittedly I was a little worried wouldn’t get done in time. In time for what you may ask? Well, I was so blessed to have BHG visit our home last week to do a photo shoot for Christmas 2016. More details to come in a future post, but in the meantime, I’m happy to say we were able to get the shelves completed just in time and I love them so much.
We might still raise them all the way to the ceiling so we can place crown moulding all around, but for now, I’ve been having fun playing and ‘styling’ them.
I have never really had big shelves to style like this and am still learning. After studying these photos, there are several things I will be moving around. 🙂
I shopped our home and haven’t had to buy any new items, which I’m not sure is a good or a bad thing, as it could support hubby’s claim that I’m turning into a ‘hoarder’.
You may recognize the glass domes, which you can read more HERE.
I recently purchased a new wide angle lens and though still learning how to use it, this photo gives you a better idea of the size and set up of the room.
We also moved the large IKEA couch out of this room and replaced it with these smaller accent chairs from Leon’s. The sweet little pillow was my first design of 2016 and it’s currently available with FREE shipping (click HERE).
So there you go – our first project of 2016. I’m looking forward to playing with these shelves as the seasons change.
Thank you so much for stopping by today.
Wishing you a beautiful day.
much love,
Lucy, those look great and I hear you about the possible hoarder problem. I just blogged about the same thing the other day and shared my stash which is getting out of hand. 🙂
Lucy, your shelves look so great!! I agree with what you mentioned about raising them a bit so you can run crown molding around-that would take it over the top! (In the best possible way)
I love your built ins . Its always fun styling them.I have them too.
I really like the canvas wall hanging with that verse.Its one of my favorite.
Thanks for sharing.
I am in awe of your talent and graciousness.
I love your bookshelves! We have some in our living room. They came with the house. We also have some in our basement but nobody sees those. When we bought our first set of living room furniture, in the 70’s I think, the furniture store had a decorator come to your house if you spent $500, which we probably did on the couch alone. She designed how the shelves looked and since then we’ve done some designing of our own.We also bought an entertainment center which has a ton of shelves. Its full of souvenirs from every place we’ve gone on vacation. It’s nice to look at all the souvenirs and say “I remember when we did that or we went there.”
It must be so nice to have such a clever hubby! My dad’s 92 now but when he was that age he was too!
Lucy, the room looks fabulous with the new shelves and chairs. Your new camera lens captured your room well. Enjoy playing with your shelves and lens.
Absolutely stunning, Lucy! I love the layer it brings to your living room.
Love the bookshelves…they look perfect in the room
I absolutely love the shelves, Lucy!! How awesome of your hubby to make them and just in time for the photo shoot! This space is so inviting and beautiful. And yes, we surely do take so much for granted on a daily basis. I ask God all the time to help me to see ALL of the things I tend to overlook and to count them as huge blessings!
Hugs to you!!
So thrilled for your shoot and how God is blessing what you put your hands to!
Your shelves are beautiful. The perfect addition to your already fabulous room. You of course have styled them perfectly too!
Your bookshelves look great! Loving the throw with the large pom poms on your ottoman.
The built-ins are amazing. And, I love how you have styled them. Congrats on the BHG shoot.
I love your shelves. As always your
home is lovely. Congratulations on
being selected for BHG. You deserve
to be recognized, as God has blessed
you with many talents. I am so
happy for you and your family. I
just hope Brody is in a few pictures.
So beautifully styled, Lucy. Everything is so well-balanced.
The shelves are beautiful… I think it adds a lovely addition to your room. CONGRATS on the Christmas project with BHG. I knew it had to be something good. You so deserve this project and the many more that will come your way. As for the hoarding…… I just say it’s an excuse to get a prop room or closet designated for your things.
Congrats on your BHG project! I will look forward to seeing it. Love the shevles, but oh, that bird pillow … wonderful!
Oops, I meant shelves.
I just love love the saying. Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on youn own outstanding; in all your ways Submit to him, and he will make your path straight. Where can I find this Thank you for your help.
Hi Lucy! Love your blog and getting inspiration from your beautiful home. I was looking at the bookcases flanking the fireplace and was hoping you would be willing to share what you used to raise the bookcases up and make them taller? I have the same bookcases, and love them, but would like to raise them as you have. I appreciate any help you could give. Thanks!
This space is stunning! How did you get the texture/wood panelling to back the shelves? Did they come like that?