I have been getting ready for another house tour with my Bhome team and decided to add the summer time buggy to our mudroom. More on the tour tomorrow, but in the meantime, I do have a little surprise for you. Well, it’s only a surprise if you don’t follow me on Instagram, as those who do knew I was planning to do another free printable. I hope you will agree that this cute little buggy is the perfect choice.
I truly enjoy making these printables available from time to time and it’s humbling to see them displayed in your homes. Thank you so much for that.
Please click HERE to download your own summer time VW beetle. Note: the buggy will be available to download for two weeks only (ending June 30), at which time the link will expire and it will go back to my shop for purchase .
I would also invite you to subscribe to my daily or weekly emails. That way you won’t miss these fun printables or any other post.
Fine print: This printable is for personal use only and cannot be used for commercial purposes without the consent of Craftberry Bush. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me at: Lucy@craftberrybush.com
Thanks again so much for your continued support, and I hope you will come back tomorrow for version 2.0 of our summer home tour.
much love,
Purchase buggy pillow HERE
So cute! You make the best prints!
Her Heartland Soul
Love your work! Any chance you would make a similar one with a vintage MINI Cooper as the car and a board with fins forward? We are MINI enthusiasts who also hit the waves a couple days a week and would love to see a printable to capture our loves (there are more of us out there, too)! From what I can tell, most artists on Etsy and the blogosphere position the board with fins at the rear (slightly more aerodynamic and probably more aesthetically pleasing), but the recommended transport position for surf and SUP boards is fins at the front…would love to see someone with your talent do a fins forward version! 🙂 Happy summer!
Thank you so much! I was just trying to decide what to put up on our summer table. Our girls are obsessed with Herbie right now. I even have the Herbie theme as my ring tone because they get so excited when they hear it and spot “love bugs.”
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it so much and plan to proudly display it in our home.
Am I the only one who cannot get the image to appear in dropbox or anywhere else? I’ve tried everything 🙁
I’m so sorry..not sure what the problem is. Once you have clicked on the link, it will take you to dropbox, from there you have to download the file. The download button is located on the top right of the screen.
Please let me know if that helps, otherwise, I’ll send you the file directly…xo
Instead of saving it to Dropbox, did you try to just save it directly to your computer?
Love this print! I printed it out and when my 15 year old daughter saw it, she said she wanted a t-shirt with this graphic. It’s just too cute. 🙂
aww thanks so much for sharing this! what a beautiful print! thanks Lucy!!
Thank you!! I LOVE it!!! You are so incredibly talented and thank you for sharing it with us! 🙂
Thank you for the super cute printable! I always look forward to your calendars and just shared them on my blog. Happy 1st Day of Summer!
OMG! Thank you so much for this printable!! It’s adorable! You are very talented 🙂
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Very nice prints. I work at the prospect finder and once we sent emails with similar prints. At that time, our email sending services were ordered by the Volkswagen company itself. It was a very interesting experience