I hope you’re not getting tired of my paper flowers as I really enjoy making them and sharing the how to. I’ve been thinking about this particular flower for a while now and since it’s my niece’s birthday this weekend, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to make it and use it as a gift topper.
Want to see how easy this was to make?
Pink crepe paper
Glue gun
Thick cardboard or cardstock
Optional: Artificial flower for stamen.
1. Cut 5 long strips of crepe paper, making sure the grain is vertical (these measured approx. 2″ x 14″ long)
2. Fold with an accordion fold
3. Cut a straight cut at the bottom and a curve at the top as shown
4. Wrap the piece you just created around a barrel shaped item, such as a pencil or pen; press tightly around it
5. It should provide a nice curvature on the paper
6. Unfold and set aside
7. Cut a round piece of thick cardstock or cardboard
8. Optional: Remove stamen from inexpensive artificial flowers.
9. Pierce a hole and place stamen into the hole; remove stamen and set aside
10. Apply some hot glue onto cardboard circle and loosely glue the accordions onto cardboard
11. Cut several circular petals
12. Cup petals and cut a slit to the mid point of the petal through the centre along the grain
13. Overlap cut sides and glue in place
14. Add some glue to the underside of the cardboard and glue petals all around
15. Optional: Place stamen through previously made hole
16. Shape flower by cupping it in your hand and closing the petals over
Apply some glue and adhere onto wrapped gift box. I also added a few of these leaves for a little more whimsy.
Paper flowers are so pretty, don’t you think? It inspires me to make an entire wreath out of them.
As always, thank you so much for visiting me.
Have a beautiful day!
Much love,
Omg this is adorable! I love pink flowers!
Very, very cute! I love decorative things like this!
Thank you so much Lucy for posting this. I love pink roses and these are so beautiful and really look real. I am definetly going to make some. I love all your paper flowers. Have a great day
These are so pretty! It would be really cute to add some oomph to a gift tag for a wine bottle.
Hi Lucy, I have a request: can you bottle some of your hand coordination and send it my way?! I feel like I’m in great need! Love the flower!
Thanks for sharing!!
What Juliana said! I am convinced that I want to make these “Lucy flowers”, but I’m not convinced that I can master them! You really make the prettiest paper flowers I’ve ever seen!
Hi Lucy! I’m a new reader, and LOVE your paper flowers! I am headed off to look back at the others you’ve posted about. These are so, so beautiful! Perfect for a whimsical vase display, wrapping, garland, or a million other things. Thanks so much for the tutorials!
You are an expert at making paper flowers look ultra-realistic! Beautiful!
The flower is really pretty and realistic! I love it! I’ll try to recreate it, but I’m sure it won’t turn out such as beautiful as your 🙂
I’m in awe by your diy, they are so pretty, such a good taste you have.
nice work