One by one we picked them. Beautiful gems waiting to be placed upon a crown. I adore my daughter’s pink cowgirl boots My little world My family and I recently visited an apple orchard. After picking 40lbs of apples, I needed some recipes but instead found a different kind of inspiration here. I also remembered a beautiful picture from one of my favourite blogs…
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One of those days….
Sometimes life takes unexpected turns and things get a little out of control. But if you persevere and have faith, the road ahead is straight and full of treasures. Have you ever had one of those days? When your toast burns, the car won’t start, traffic is backed up for miles… …your inbox is full, toilet paper gets stuck to…
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Monster Mash….
I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight For my monster from his slab began to rise And suddenly to my surprise He did the mashThe monster mash….. I have mentioned before that I am not a huge fan of Halloween…well, at least not the creepy, bloody, scary kinda Halloween. So here…
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Nature paints perfection and displays it in the World’s gallery for everyone to see…. Monday mornings are usually frowned upon here at our home. Not because of the dread of Monday duties, but because Monday is the day when our little clan has to separate from each other as we take on our own little endeavours. This morning however is a…
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So very honoured I made top 10….
As you already know, I entered my first CSI contest this week and I’m happy to report that I made the top 10. YAY!!!! There is no million dollar prize, brand new car or an Apple computer. Nothing tangible in fact. But when you enter such competitions and are surrounded by so much talent, making the top 10 is a HUGE…
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