Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication – Leonardo da Vinci This year has brought some not so easy life lessons to our little family. But because of them, we have learned that as long as we have God and each other in our lives, we are capable of being happy. We have found a new appreciation for the simple things in life and a greater love for things that money cannot buy. As the Christmas season…
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Michaelangelo has got nothing on you…..
Fresco is the Italian word for “fresh”. Painters would do ‘fresco’ painting on fresh, wet plaster walls – a process that allows the colors to sink into the plaster, giving you a glowing kind of color that is very different from what you would otherwise get if you painted on dry plaster. The most famous fresco is the Michaelangelo masterpiece found on the ceiling of the…
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Wistful Wednesday
Stop and listen to the sound of the sun as it warmly caresses your face. Stop and listen to the clouds as they gently touch the blue yonder. Stop and listen to the trees as their branches yawn towards their slumber. Stop and listen to the wind as it flutes its sweet harmony. Stop and listen to your heart as it beats life…
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A November Masterpiece
Masterpiece: a work done with extraordinary skill; especially a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement. OR… The art work of your young children while skipping school on a Monday afternoon. Here is a very simple art project you can try with your little ones. Please remember that you can increase or decrease the level of difficulty depending on their…
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A gift for all occasions…..
Dear November, You have arrived. I would love to welcome you with open arms but your cold winds have bared my trees of their leaves and the flowers in my garden cannot endure your frosty nights. But alas, I say hello with a smile as I know your cold days will make me seek the refuge of our cozy home…
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