As promised, here is the rose tutorial. I hope you find the instructions easy to follow. You will find that the initial preparation takes a little bit of time, but I hope you’ll agree that the end results are worth it. I would love to see how your roses turn out. This is the rose we will be making, let’s…
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Winter blossoms
As the heart of winter smothers us with its grey skies and harsh cold winds, I long the warmth of summer. I long to see green grass and blooming gardens. Have you heard of the Blue Monday Phenomenon? Apparently, there are scientific formulas that have determined Monday, January 24th to be the saddest day of the year and hence, Blue…
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sweet rose treat
Never say ‘oops’ say ‘Ah Interesting!’ Have I bored you with my Valentine ideas yet? I hope not because here is another one. This one was born out of , as my sons would say, a ‘fail’, or what I call ‘a deleted scene’. I had this vision of making beautiful little flowers out of a lollipop and conversation hearts and…
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book love…
Love bursts out of me every time I create….. This past week, I had some time to immerse myself in silence. Sometimes silence speaks to you very loud and clear, while sometimes you have to pay close attention or you’ll miss the message… For the past couple of weeks, I have been preoccupied with ‘what ifs’. A very exciting…
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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when Mother Nature gives you extreme cold weather…make ‘heartcicles’!! My ideas often come to me in the middle of the night when stores are closed, and even if they were open, I can’t justify purchasing an item for the sake of one blog post. So, I made my own molds using foil paper…. Shape foil…
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