“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.” – Dr Seuss As you might remember, we had been preparing to celebrate my little nephew’s 1st birthday party. And even though the weekend was extremely busy, it was all worth it. There is nothing more beautiful than…
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He Is Risen…….
Have a blessed Easter much love, Lucy
A cake ‘poppy’ kinda day…
I hope you are having a beautiful weekend. Just a tiny little post to show you what my sister and I made for Easter today. I am sorry if the quality of the pictures is not very good; they were taken at night and with my iPhone. We made a few little cake pops in shapes of birdies, bunnies, tulips…
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A gift for Mother Earth
I’m giving Mother Earth a little gift…. These little containers once held berries and cherry tomatoes… I painted them and added some pretty scrap paper and some ribbon… Our mail usually comes bundled up and secured with these elastic bands, but unfortunately, people dump them on the ground as soon as they pick up the mail. Hubby knows how I…
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El Elefante del Circo…
“One creates from nothing. If you try to create from something you’re just changing something. So in order to create something you first have to be able to create nothing. ” Werner Erhard I’m so happy that you are here, and hope you are having a great week thus far. I am often in awe of time and how fast it slips…
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