“Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these” – Luke 12:27 How simple and minute, yet how beautiful and grand… It’s a quiet kinda day for me… And so, just a few simple images for you toappreciate the Grand Artist…
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The best materials in life are free….
The beauty that surrounds us and we often take for granted lends itself for the most beautiful creations. Nature had been doing most of the work over the years for the waves had gently sanded and collected this beautiful wood. And today as I took a little walk down the lake shore, it was there waiting for me…. I had…
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Imitation, admiration, please tell me you get it..
‘Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.’ Salvador Dali By posting this, I am being some what hypocritical. I have even second quessed why I’m posting it since I have other projects to share with you. But this blog is about me sharing what’ s in my heart and being truthful and honest. So here it is….when I saw these beautiful…
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sew tender…
Last week, when Blogger was having ‘issues’ I had posted my gift for Mother’s day. Unfortunately, the post is gone but most importantly your comments are all gone. 🙁 Some of the pictures remained in the draft format, but all my wording and the pictures of my kiddies gifts to me are also gone. I have decided to re post …
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Fresh and succulent…
I hope you all had a great weekend and if you’re a mommy, I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I had a beautiful day as my kiddies had made me feel loved and so very special with little homemade gifts they had worked so hard to make. The most beautiful part of it all was at the end of the day when…
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