Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was good, save for living in the future for an entire week. For some strange reason, I thought this was the first weekend in October and it wasn’t until I showed up to an empty soccer field ready to play in a tournament that I realized it was the wrong date…oh boy! …
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Fall Mantel
Well Friends, here it is…the fall mantel I have been lovingly preparing to welcome yet another season. As usual, I tried to use inexpensive items that with a little work become little treasures. But only time can create such perfectly imperfect patina on that silver plate and the chippy wood on that old window frame. I used a dollar store dictionary and dyed…
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Musings while the paint dries….
How far do you go when you create? Does your mind go back to a favourite childhood place or does it travel into the future to a sunny Caribbean landscape? As I work on various projects, the silence of my home allows me to immerse myself into my task and time elapses without me realizing it. I am working on…
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Do you doodle?
Good day all! I hope you are having a fantastic week. I am doing well, enjoying the weather as it tries to deceive us into thinking that summer has not left us yet. I welcome its deception for the beautiful warm and sunny days seem to inspire me to create. I have several projects on the go and my fall mantel should…
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Twine and chicken wire
Hi my dear friends, I hope this finds you well. I am of few words today. It’s a beautiful Sunday morning and there is a cool yet gentle breeze outside that smells like fall. There are so many thoughts running through my mind, but none want to materialize onto the screen and so with humble quietness, I want to show you this:…
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