Hello dear friends. I hope your weekend is off to a good start. I have debated whether or not I should post this morning. As I woke, there was a burden in my heart and while making some last minute editing to this post, I suddenly felt like I wasn’t being true to you or myself. This is not what I felt…
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Playing with shadows…an easy painting techinique
Hello my sweet friends! I hope you had a great weekend. If you follow along this journey, you’ll know that hubby was away on a business trip, from which he came back late Saturday. Needless to say, we spent all day Sunday catching up and telling each other how much we missed one another… Him being away was harder than…
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The chair that ruined my birthday…well the morning part…
Hello again guys! I know…two posts in one day. But today is my birthday and I pampered myself to a day with no chores. Well, I did do some laundry, but it has yet to be put away and the beds are made because I would otherwise go insane. But other than that, I took the day off from house work….
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Spot of tea on my birthday… with a British accent)
Thank you for calling…fancy a spot of tea? I hope you are having a great week thus far. Today, I am excited to show you my very first furniture makeover. But before we go any further, this entire post must be read with a British accent…are you ready? While on our way one day, I saw this lonely chair sitting along…
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Freshly picked apple bunting…
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed. Robert H.Schuller Do you ever sit and marvel at the beauty of nature? Its delicate balance and the spectacular views that it brings us season after season fill me with awe. Like the beautiful apple tree whose blossoms in the spring are…
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