Hello everyone, I hope your week has been great. Before anything else, I just wanted to say thank you for your words of encouragement on my previous post. I am always amazed by your tender hearts and am truly humbled and grateful that you take time to get to know me better. Everyone was well enough to go to school today…
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My thoughts late at night….
Tuesday night and I’m sitting beside hubby at our dining room table. Both of us, with our eyes fixated on HIS and HER laptops, fingers rapidly moving with ease across that familiar space of the keyboard determined to complete the task at hand. He, as a hardworking executive typing away never ending emails and me, trying to express myself this time…
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It’s called a ‘what’tle?.
Hello everyone…Happy Monday! I truly hope you are enjoying the same beautiful weather we are. With the temperatures we are experiencing, it’s hard to believe that it’s already November and that soon we will be welcoming the last month of the year. Since my previous posts have been about table settings, I decided to do a quick and easy Thanksgiving…
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Humongous Fungus….not really, but the rhyme makes me laugh…
Saturday morning is one of my favourite times to catch up on your wonderful blogs. With everyone still in bed and no lunches to prepare, no breakfasts to serve, no last minute ‘sign this form please mom’.Like a cat searching for that perfect spot to lay on; that spot where the warm stream of sunlight touches the ground oh so…
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Clay flower tutorial….
Happy Wednesday! How is your week thus far? The weather around here has been so beautiful – which always inspires me to create – however I have been fighting a little cold and now it seems my daughter and younger son also have it. Nothing a little chicken soup, and some cuddles can’t cure…. If you recall a few posts back,…
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