I entered this blog world blindly, simply wanting to share my love for art; I had no idea I would end up sharing some of my heart and soul along the way. I find myself surrounded by so many caring, encouraging women; women who not only share the common ground of creativity but of womanhood itself…. Your words touch…
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Escaping through art…(cold porcelain tea light holder)
I have written this paragraph over and over again, trying to somewhat sugarcoat the ‘ugly’. Truth is, there is no sugarcoating when you speak of a loved one facing death. The word itself feels wrong to say or even type. But that is the reality of our home right now. We live and breath it everyday and hold our breaths…
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Decor Trends 2012…
Happy New Year friends! We have started a new chapter and the pages are blank waiting for you to write your story…. I thought I would stop by to say hello and share some of the decor trends of 2012 according to Style at Home magazine… Malachite is a semi precious stone also known as the Peacock stone Viva Full House Elle…
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My thoughts on a Thursday afternoon….
Hello my dear friends, I hope this finds you well. I have always proclaimed this little space of mine as ‘my happy place’; a place where I come to get away from the reality of life. It is here, where my creativity blooms in hopes that what I do will inspire someone to create and feel the freedom that comes…
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Deleted scenes of 2011…The ‘unbloomed’ Craftberries
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, filled with love, laughter and new memories. It’s hard to believe that after weeks of preparing for Christmas it is now in the past. We will soon be ringing in the new year and I thought it would be fun to share some of the posts that did not make the final cut. Either due…
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