I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. We had a beautiful four day long weekend and even though the weather was bright and sunny. it was chilly and very windy. With some rain in the forecast, I thought I would show you this little craft we did a while back. This one is from the Draft vault…I hope you enjoy…
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A little bird told me who the winner was…..
Sharon, I will contact you to give you the good news ! xo Thank you so much to everyone else who entered and Thank you Crafty Secrets for such a great giveaway ! xo I hope you had a beautiful Easter weekend ! The kiddies are off again today but I’ll be back tomorrow. I will be keeping in touch…
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Happy Easter
Mischievous little bunny….an Easter gift
Hello friends! With just a couple of days to go before Easter, I wanted to offer my final Easter craft. This one is for the kiddies and was inspired by those adorable hungry bunny cupcakes out there… A simple little biodegradable pot holds some jelly beans wrapped in tissue paper…what a sweet surprise! Materials Biodegradable Pots Paint White and Green…
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A little whimsy for Easter…
Hello friends and welcome to April! Can you believe we’re already into the fourth month of the year? But most importantly, Easter is this weekend. In preparation for such, I have shared several Easter egg ideas and hope one or more may have inspired you. And my hope is that I haven’t bored you with them just yet as I…
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