I hope all you beautiful mothers had a wonderful day. We had a beautiful weekend celebrating the two mothers in our lives and I hope we were able to show them that they are loved. I learned at a young age that some of the most meaningful gifts are the handmade type. I remember seeing the glow in my grandmother’s eyes…
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Happy Mother’s Day
God took the fragrance of a flower… The majesty of a tree… The gentleness of a morning dew… The calm and quiet sea… The beauty of the twilight hour… The soul of a starry night… The laughter of rippling brook… The grace of a bird in flight… Then God fashioned from all these things, a creation like no other and…
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a peek into my sketchbook and vulnerability…
Dear friend: I write to you today in hopes this finds you well. I want to apologize for not writing sooner. I do not have a good excuse other than I have been living. Please do not think I have not thought of you, as you are often on my mind. I have been feeling a little frustrated because I cannot seem…
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Faux turquoise tutorial…
Hi friends – we made it through Monday, Yay! Today was the first time in over a year that I had the house all to myself. It felt a little quiet and lonely, but perfect for crafting and just catching up on house work. I also managed to put together a tutorial of a little project I did over the…
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How to make a collage on Picmonkey
Happy Monday everyone – I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Today is a bittersweet day for me as hubby goes back to work and I have the house all to myself. While I’m going to miss him being here, I am so grateful that God has provided him with work so he may provide for us. Speaking of missing (hubby laughed…
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