Hi my sweet friends. I hope you all had a good weekend. We celebrated our youngest son’s 10th birthday this weekend and I finally got to see ‘Dark Knight Rising’….sooooo good! 🙂 Hubby had taken the boys to see it when it first came out and was eager for me to see it…now I understand why. As you know, I…
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Simple pleasures…Roasted garlic and tomato Spaghettini
Hello…do you remember me? I wanted to drop by and say hello and let you know that I miss communicating with you. I hope you have been keeping well. We are enjoying the simple pleasures of summer. For the kiddies, it’s being able to stay up late (and wake up late) whereas for me, it’s cutting fresh herbs right out of…
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Hello everyone – I hope you are all doing well. Just a quick note to advise things are going to be a little slow around here for the next little while. I have been feeling a little disconnected from the blog of late and feel as though I need to recharge my creative juices. And with only a few weeks of…
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July’s blooms….
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had our annual family get together this weekend and even though it rained for a couple of hours during the morning, kiddies and adults alike enjoyed playing under the rain. It is always so beautiful to come together and just celebrate family. I know how busy the summer months can be and…
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The weekend….celebrate life
The kiddies and I made some confetti launchers to surprise hubby for his birthday. We had so much fun playing with them and the best part…they double as mini marshmallow cannons….:)It’s a long weekend for us in Ontario and we have our annual family reunion this Sunday. We’re looking forward to great laughs and lots of yummy food. Don’t you just…
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