Today as I sat down to think of all the new and exciting blogging ideas I want to do for 2013, there was a frightening silence. Instead of feeling excitement about the new year, I felt an overwhelming pressure to be ‘better’, more creative, more crafty; to produce better photos, better posts, better writing. These feelings make me consider abandoning…
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Happy New Year and Thank You
As I look back on 2012, I can’t help but feel mixed emotions.While this past year proved challenging for our little family as we were brought face to face with the darkness and helplessness of death (you can read about it here), through it all, 2012 has been the most eye opening, the most gratifying and the year of most…
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Cranberry/Pomegranate New Year’s Eve Cocktail or Mocktail
Every year, we gather at our home to welcome the new year and celebrate Bella’s birthday. There was a time when she thought the world gathered to wish her a happy birthday, but nowadays, she understands the meaning of new year’s eve and enjoys the count down to midnight. I wanted to share a new year’s eve cocktail or …
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Linky Party 15 Features
Can you believe it’s the last weekend of 2012?!? As usual, you have wowed us with your creativity. This time around, we decided to showcase the top 10 most viewed links. Here they are….. A Look Back at 2012 by First Home…Love Life Top five of 2012 by At home by the Bay Top Organization Projects by Clean and Scentsible Weight…
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Linky Party 15…Showcasing your best of 2012
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas! It’s hard to believe that after all of the hard work and planning that goes into this special day, we now have to put everything away until next year. I don’t know about you, but in our house, we haven’t done much. We have been enjoying the precious time that is…
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