Today I join hundreds of bloggers around the web for a day of blog silence to honour the many lives lost in Japan and the many who are suffering as a result of the earthquake and tsunami. I see the news from around the world and become extremely grateful for all that I have. There are wars, natural disasters, disease, poverty and so…
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Blogger’s Day of Silence, For Japan with love…
Happy St. Patty’s Day!
Today, I have a little guest doing my post….enjoy. Hi, I’m Bella! I drew this picture for my mom. It is for St. Patrick’s Day. I coloured it with markers. Mommy put it on the fridge. There is not a lot of room on the fridge cause all my pictures are there. Mommy made these yummy rainbow yogurt dessert. It was…
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sweet spring bird cage…
Today, Bella and I made a cute little craft that I think turned out very sweet. The boys chose to play street hockey with their friends, but that’s ok….thank God for little girls. Materials: Thick paper such as poster board or construction paper (pretty) scrapbook paper wire beads glue string or invisible thread scissors 1. Trace two circles and…
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Spring Mantel…
Nature sits dormant under a white, cold blanket. The sun – taking mercy upon her – warms the earth. The earth smiles back at the sun… …with bursting colours and renewed life. After a long winter… …plants stretch out their limbs and wave hello. They dance in the wind and drink the rain falling from the sky. The sun smiles back ……
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Bundle up…
For the last few weekends, I have posted some beautiful images from around the web. I hope you are enjoying them…. This week, I have collected book bundles… There’s something so comforting yet intriguing about an old book… Each tells a different story; not only literally written within their pages, but also by the many hands that have held them… The…
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