October closes the door to nature’s colourful art exhibit… Hello everyone, I hope you had a great Trick-or-Treat night. It’s hard to believe that October is now gone and it’s time to welcome November. Thankfully, we had good Halloween weather and the kiddies had a great time as usual…. (Bella dressed as Dorothy) The sun was shining again today and…
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Why so angry?
Hello everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was busy but wonderful and as usual. it came to an end way too quickly. I don’t have much to show you today, and need to keep this short and sweet as I have a million and one things to do…it must be Monday. I just wanted to wish you a…
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Magic Pumpkin Seeds…
“She flung the beans through the open window and sent Jack to bed without his supper…” I came across this idea when looking for an image for vintage pumpkins. I thought I had saved the link, but I can’t find it to share it with you (sorry). However during the search, I found a similar activity here and here All you…
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An oak leaf…..
Happy day to all! I know this is only the third day of the week and I should give it a little more time before I jump to the conclusion that this week is going by too slow… And with the kind of weather we are having, it feels like the nights mix right into the days as the sun…
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….and on….(a giveaway)
Hello my dear friends, I hope you had a good weekend. I am always humbled by your beautiful words and friendship. Please know how appreciative I am of your daily visits, and as much as I try to say it with words, there are times when I wish I could show you with actions. That is why when the nice…
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