A couple of weeks ago, I shared this tutorial over at the CSI project. The theme was chevron… I have never created a craft using using chevron and not necessarily because I don’t love it, but because I am linearly challenged. So to offset my linear challenge, I reverted to my “comfort zone” of polymer clay and today want to share with you some…
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Chevron pendant tutorial…
Wild flowers of summer…
It has been rainy and gloomy for the last few days, but this afternoon the sun came out to say hello… Perhaps it knew everyone would be looking up to the skies as Venus passed by its path. Did you follow the eclipse today? These wild daisies can be seen all over the fields. I used them on my previous post and was inspired…
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Healthy Strawberry Mousse with Coconut Milk whip topping…
I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Our weekend was interesting and wonderful at the same time. As you may know, our family participated in the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life Friday evening/overnight (I speak about it here). Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate as high winds and near record rain not only flooded and subsequently closed our subway system,…
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If you have much, give of your wealth; If you have little,give of your heart…
Celebrate, Remember, Fight back….a night for Hope
All, this is not a usual post, but is undoubtedly the most important one I will do this year. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read it. If you have been walking this journey with me for a while, you’ll know our family recently dealt with the very essence of ugliness – cancer (you can read about it…
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