As part of the great Ready for Summer Blog Party, being hosted by Maggie and Kristin Let me share with you my summer mantel… Summer official arrived at 7:09pm yesterday. I always wondered how they determined the exact time, but nevertheless, with summer comes heat and trips to the beach. This year, I wanted my mantel to tell that very…
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My summer mantel …
Cherry Syrup Lemonade…two ways
Hello friends, I hope your week is going well. We’re currently experiencing our first heat wave here in Ontario; which means finding ways to stay cool and hydrated. When I think of a cool refreshing drink for summer, I immediately think of lemonade and of course an ice cold Diet Coke, but I need to work on that bad habit 🙁 In trying…
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Snippets from home and a blog party…
I hope you had a great Father’s Day weekend! I had fun this weekend trying to put together my summer mantel which I will be sharing with you this Thursday as part of a blog party being hosted by two very talented ladies: Maggie from Midwestern girl DIY and Kristin from Simply Klassic Home After looking at the line up of…
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Dear Friend….
JPEGS from the Crafty Secrets. CD3.
Easy statement necklace tutorial
It’s Friday…Woohoo! In the spirit of the many ‘Fashion Fridays’ you see out there, I wanted to show you a super, almost too easy, DIY. I purchased the wire necklace thingie at the DS (sorry not sure what it’s called). I would recommend using white or light bobby pins, as the black ones took several coats to cover. Do forgive…
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