A little while ago I had prepared a tutorial of the painting I used for my summer mantel. As most of you know, I’m not always comfortable sharing my art and have been reluctant to post this, but here goes… Do you remember the cross stitch painting I used as a backdrop for my Valentine mantel? While this painting was intended…
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Quick wall art tutorial
Healthy Raspberry and Greek yogurt ice pops
Hello friends – have you been keeping cool? I am not one to complain about the heat and beautiful sunshiny days as I often long for them in the winter. But it has been a little toasty of late, and have I ever mentioned we don’t have AC? It’s our own procrastination that has kept us from getting one as every year we say we’ll…
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Our summer in the making…
Late last night, shortly after the sun had set and darkness loomed, my amazing hubby (you are an incredible dad) set-up a tent for the boys and their friends so they could have a sleepover in the backyard. I’m not really sure who made up the term ‘sleepover’ as there was no sleeping going on around here. It was 2:00am and I could still hear…
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Floral fabric with Ink Effects…
Hi friends, I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We decided to take an impromptu trip to the cottage on Friday evening so we could spend the weekend by the pool :)…I love summer. And I also love the new floral print trend that you see everywhere this summer. Do you remember this post? Well, one of the questions I was asked…
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Adding Bokeh to a Photo using Picmonkey
Hello friends. It’s Friday yet again and I’m looking forward to the weekend. We have nothing planned and that is exactly what we hope to do…;) Today I wanted to show you a super easy and fun way to add a little interest to your photos by creating the illusion of bokeh. I use the word ‘illusion’ because true bokeh…
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