I’m not big into Halloween…I know, I know…sorry. It’s just a day that I have never really embraced. As a child, my parents never made a big deal of it either. I was even scared to go Trick-or-Treating because in my native language (Spanish), Halloween literally translates as ‘the day of the witches’. So yes, I was scared of witches too. This year,…
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Halloween Crepe Anemone Flower….
Too easy drop cloth pumpkin….a tutorial
Welcome back! How was your Monday? I spent the entire day attending an outdoor school trip with Bella. While I cherish the time I’m able to spend with our little girl, I sometimes question my sanity while on these school trips. Imagine if you will, sitting on a school bus surrounded by the little voices of 40+ 8 year olds, which when spoken…
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A humble fall table…
My fall table isn’t fancy and there are no expensive china plates or silverware adorning it. There aren’t French linen napkins or a complicated setting. Yet its quiet serenity brings joy to my heart… I sit here on a Sunday evening trying to describe this simple fall table and yet all I can think of is ‘how do I claim this to be my doing if the most…
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Happy Hour 2 -Linky Party Features….
Hello Everyone! I hope your weekend is off to a great start. The party is still going strong, but we wanted to take a moment to share some of the amazing projects that have been linked so far. I hope you’re not on a diet, cause I think you might have to make today your ‘cheat’ day after seeing these… 1) Caramel tartlets by…
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Hello! It’s party time again and I am so glad that you are here. I honestly cannot convey how much I appreciate having you join us. Last week was such a blast and it was truthfully so inspiring. I kept clicking on that Pin button over and over again…:) I discovered so many new blogs that I can’t believe I had not seen…
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