Hello everyone! I hope your weekend is going well so far. I’ve had a chance to visit many of your blogs and have really enjoyed seeing what you have been up to. There are still some I’ve yet to see, but I hope to find some time to visit soon. If you’ve not yet linked up, or are looking for…
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Happy Hour Week 4 Linky FEATURES….
Linky party 4..one month WOOHOO!
It’s that time again, when we come together to share our week with each other. Can you believe this marks the 4th week of our HAPPY HOUR linky party? In such a short period of time, I’ve gotten to know so many new beautiful blogs and most importantly, I’m getting to know you a little better. Let me share what…
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October love…
October has always been my favourite month of the year… It might have something to do with Autumn’s amazing spectacle, or perhaps it’s because we celebrate Thanksgiving in October here in Canada and we get to spend time with family. Or maybe it’s our yearly drive through the country side as we take in all of autumn’s beauty. It could also…
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Halloween Candy Jars…and some adorable inspiration
This idea doesn’t merit a lot of words as it really is so very easy and super quick to make. So get yourself some of your old baby food jars (or any other jar), some little plastic Halloween toys (I chose to use black ones so I didn’t have to spray paint them), glitter, hot glue and you’re ready to…
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Rosemary and Chives flat bread…
As I stepped outside this morning, the cool October breeze gently tapped my shoulder and reminded me I must bring a sweater. I drove by the now empty corn fields and the summer gardens whose flowers are slowly taking a bow, making way for their autumn cousins to take their place. But not for long as they too will soon need to rest…
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