Hello all, I hope you’re having a great weekend so far. With each passing week, your photography, crafts and overall blogging continues to impress. And while the abundance of talented submissions always makes it difficult to narrow down feature selections, we have challenged ourselves to select fewer features than normal this week. Not because the quality of submissions has decreased,…
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Linky Party 10 Features
Happy Hour Linky party DIEZ (10)
Hello and welcome once again to our little corner of the world! We are so happy you came and want to thank you for helping us inspire others through your creativity! We also wanted to let you know that we will not be holding a linky party next week as it is Thanksgiving for many of you and it is our…
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Music Sheet Rose Christmas Bulb…
Happy Thursday friends. It’s early morning and I just dropped the kiddies off to school. There are dishes in the sink, crumbs waiting to be swept from the floors and beds to be made. And while all that sounds really exciting, I wanted to take a minute or two to share my newest creation… In my humble opinion, it’s simple…
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Christmas sugar cookies….the healthier type
Hello all! I began writing this post yesterday and although I attempted to complete it several times throughout the course of the day, here I sit still trying to figure out how to write a creative and interesting introduction to the sugar cookies. Has that ever happened to you? You begin something with every intent of finishing it, but “stuff” gets in the way. For…
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L’etoile de noel….canvas Christmas star ornament…
I hope you had a great weekend! We enjoyed unusually warm weather here in Toronto, breaking a 74-year old record on Sunday when temperatures reached 18 C (64 F). I could easily get used to an entire winter with those temperatures, yet I think I would miss our white Christmas. Speaking of Christmas… Here is my first Christmas craft of 2012. A super…
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