Hello my sweet friends. It’s Thursday and the last day of our Homemade Tree series. Today I have what I hope you will agree is the cutest little guy to share with you. Last year, I showed you this cute little gray chick as part of the ‘deleted scenes’. Or in other words, posts that didn’t make it to the…
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The Homemade Tree – felt penguin ornament
The Handmade Tree – snowy mini pine cone ornament
Hello everyone and welcome to day 3 of our little homemade ornament series. I hope you have been keeping well. I’m working on some really exciting things and have been swamped with Christmas stuff. I can’t wait to share with you! I think I may have bitten more than I can chew in terms of project commitment, so this following ornament is a…
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The Homemade Tree – handmade ornament 2
You made it through Monday…yay! Monday’s can be difficult enough as is. For my friends in the U.S., I’m sure this Monday proved extra challenging after your long weekend. Yesterday I mentioned I would show you how to make this pretty Parisienne scene inside a bulb… Given I already had two Eiffel towers, I thought I would make something a little different,…
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Snowglobe Ornament – a tutorial
Hello all! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving long weekend. As I was unpacking our Christmas ornaments this year, I realized the ornaments that bring the most comfort and beautiful memories are those that are imperfectly handmade by either our children or myself. Each one evokes a different memory or stage in our lives, but they all fill me…
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The Homemade Tree – handmade ornament series 2012
On Monday I will commence my yearly handmade ornament series and would be honoured if you joined me. In the meantime, here are some ornaments from the past (click on the photo to take you the original post). Have a great rest of the weekend! much love,