source I have always had a very fragile heart and tragedies affect me deeply. The tragedy in CT has touched me in a way no other has touched my heart before. It is difficult to see past the evil that surrounds this horrific event and yet there is a beautiful sense of compassion and human kindness that unites us when…
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The human spirit….
Linky Party 13 Features
The tragic news of last Friday’s fateful events are still fresh in our minds as we struggle to come to terms with what transpired. While our hearts ache, I cannot fathom the pain and anguish the family members of those involved endure. I elected to publish this post – not out of disrespect to what has happened – but in…
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Hello everyone. Around this time today, we usually share your features. As I prepared the post, my heart would not allow me. Yesterday, the hearts of many parents broke in unison as the news from Connecticut filled our TV screens. It is unfathomable to imagine the pain these families are enduring at this time. Like many of you, I sat there watching in…
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HAPPY HOUR Linky Party – Lucky Number 13
Hi again! It’s Thursday night and time to get together once again and share our week. Thank you for coming! This week I shared some of the details that were not pictured during the house tour. Including the hutch, the front porch and a few vignettes using winter greens. I also posted a couple of (obvious) tips on how to preserve…
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Inspiration – a little watercolor…
Today as the sun peeked for a couple of hours, I decided to take some photos. It wasn’t long before I put my camera down and picked up a brush. Sometimes inspiration lands upon your shoulder, like the quiet whisper of the willow. It’s subtle, yet present. And to me, it brings joy. Perhaps this year, the hand painted cards…
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