Hello again and thank you for coming to THE INSPIRATION GALLERY Linky Party. We’re so glad you’re here. This week flew by, didn’t it? I shared how to make some sweet watercolor tags using a simple resist method. So fun. I also took advantage of some moss I found in the yard this week after some Spring like weather melted…
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The Inspiration Gallery Linky Party No. 18
Celebrating Life
Hello friends, I hope you have had a wonderful week thus far. I just wanted to share a few photos I snapped while the sun was on its best behaviour. Simple images that celebrate the sunshine Celebrate the beauty of simplicity Celebrate how blessed I feel Speaking of celebration, I am extremely excited and incredibly honoured to have been asked…
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Healthy Protein Pancake
Well, your mom was right…again. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day and she has scientific proof to back it up. Body uses food as fuel and just like when your vehicle’s gas tank in empty, your body will not function to its full capacity without a full tank. After a long night’s fast, it is important to…
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Mini Faux Terrariums
During the winter months, nature teaches us how to rest and slow down. As the white blanket of snow protects the dormant fields, nature rejuvenates. But in this fast paced world, even nature sometimes forgets to take its time. Or perhaps these rare mild days in the middle of winter are just a way to keep us hopeful of what’s to come. …
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Apple of My Eye Watercolour Tags
Hello everyone! How was your weekend? We had a very relaxing weekend, not doing much of anything. Which is nice to do every once and a while, right? I woke up Saturday morning eager to put together a Valentine’s mantel, only to change it several times and not like the outcome of any of them. Needless to say, I became…
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