Hello friends. I hope you’ve been keeping well. We’ve been enjoying the weather and spending a lot of time in our little suburban outdoor sitting area. It’s interesting to see the wear and tear of hours spent out here but I’m not complaining. Thankfully, the cushion covers are removable and I can wash them regularly. Most of the time, they…
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Suburban Outdoor Sitting Area
Easy Strawberry Cocktail Recipe
Hello friends. I hope you’ve had a good week. The weather here has been beautiful; not too hot and just refreshing. We’ve also entered phase 1 of reopening which means we can gather outside and this weekend will be the first time in over a year that we will get together with my family to celebrate Father’s day. I can’t…
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A little bit of summer in our home…
Hello friends. I hope you’ve been keeping well. The weather has been glorious lately and I brought a little bit of summer into our home. The lilacs were in full bloom and I couldn’t help but to bring some in… Here is another quick way to bring a little bit of summer . I simply cut some greenery from…
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Easy Summer Mantel
Hello friends. How have you been? I hope my American friends had a nice long Memorial weekend. The weather here has been up and down. It was gorgeous the other day and then it dropped low enough that we had to bring all our plants inside because there was a frost warning. But during one of the beautiful days, we…
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Small Backyard Sitting Area
Hello friends. How has your week been so far? The weather continues to be gorgeous here and I was able to do my planters over the weekend. I can’t wait to show the rest of the deck…:) For now I wanted to share this small backyard sitting area. For this post, my friends and I are sharing upcycle ideas but…
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