To be honest, I don’t have much to say and yet my heart feels full. Not over anything grand or extraordinary, but fulfilled with life, family and the amount of love that surrounds me. We watched in amazement as Pemberley’s little babies hatched. Weak and weary, yet strong enough to break through into the world. Their little bodies naked and…
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The Inspiration Gallery features
I hope your weekend is off to a great start! Have you had a chance to link up or check out this week’s Inspiration Gallery going on right now? Before you look through the beautiful inspiration below, I invite you to check out the live video stream and pre-recordings of Pemberley the Robin (right sidebar). Her babies began to hatch today…
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The Inspiration Gallery week 34
Hello again! I hope you’ve had a great day. It has been another busy week here at the Craftberry Bush household. If you have visited this week, you’ll know we have been broadcasting the daily comings and goings of our house guest who built her nest on our front door wreath (you can read about it here). While nothing monumental has…
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A Peek into my Sketchbook – Watercolor Painting
Hello everyone. I hope you have been keeping well. Have you had a chance to meet Pemberley? Isn’t she the most darling little thing? I am completely smitten with her and amazed with the tenderness and patience of Motherhood. I was so inspired by our little Pemberley that I decided to paint her portrait. While I should probably clean my palette, I love …
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A ROBIN’S DIARY – a live video stream of a Robin’s nest.
Meet Pemberley (photo via) This is the story of a little American Robin named Pemberley. It was early Spring and time to look for a perfect home for her and her soon to be new family. After looking high and low, far and wide, Pemberley could not find her perfect home. That was until she spotted our wreath hanging outside our…
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