Hello my sweet friends! I hope you had a great weekend! We are enjoying the Canada Day long weekend as Canada turns 146 years old! So just a quick post to share the July desktop calendar. I hope you like it. All you have to do is save the image and set it as your desktop background. As you likely…
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Free July Desktop Calendar and Good-bye to Google Reader
The Inspiration Gallery features
I hope you are all having a great weekend! I wanted to wish my Canadian friends a Happy Canada Day long weekend! I also wanted to be a little proactive and remind you that as of tomorrow (July 1), Google reader will no longer be. This means that all your favourite blogs won’t show up. But thankfully, there is an…
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The Inspiration Gallery week 42
It’s that time again. To inspire and be inspired at The Inspiration Gallery. Before we begin, we would like to take a moment to THANK each of you who expressed interest in co-hosting with us. The response was so overwhelming, as we received more applicants than we can fit in the year. But we will keep everyone’s name to hopefully co-host in the near…
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Happy Endings
The fleeting season of the Peonies makes me a little sad. It’s like that good book that sucks you into each of its pages and you never want it to end. Or the end of that anticipated vacation approaching too quickly and you desperately wish time would slow down. Similarly, I wish Peonies would last forever. But as I was getting ready to toss the…
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Sunburst Mirror DIY
As promised, here is the tutorial for the sunburst mirror on our mantel. Some of you may have guessed what materials I had used, but if you hadn’t figured it out, here is what you will need: 3-4 disposable tin foil oven liners or cookie sheets hot glue gold spray round mirror (I found a pack of three at the…
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