Hello everyone! I hope you are doing great! Can you believe I’m posting again and this time with an actual project? A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law took the kiddies up to the cottage, leaving me a couple of days to complete this super cool zebra rug I had started a while ago. Here is a photo I had shared on Instagram, with the process. I took a…
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Into the Wild – Zebra IKEA Rug Hack
Summer Pears and Keeping in Touch
Hello my sweet friends. I hope you are enjoying your Summer as much as we are. We have been spending time at the cottage doing all the usual Summery things and just enjoying the weather, which in my opinion, doesn’t last long enough. I just wanted to drop by and say hello and let you know that I miss you all dearly. Here…
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The Inspiration Gallery features
I hope you had a great weekend! Here are the features from this week’s Inspiration Gallery, as picked by Chaney…. Did y’all have a chance to take a look at some of the awesome links from this week’s Inspiration Gallery? I had fun looking through all of them and it was so hard to narrow it down to only a few favorites.But here…
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The Inspiration Gallery 44
Welcome to another week of the Inspiration Gallery Link Party! Before anything else, I wanted to take this moment to say CONGRATULATIONS to our sweet Jaime as she welcomed baby Bryn to the world. She is a beautiful baby girl and Taryn and I could not be happier for our Jaime. Keeping In Touch Connect with me here: Facebook ¦ Pinterest ¦ Instagram Now please…
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Keeping in Touch
Hello sweet friends! I hope you are all keeping cool as you enjoy your Summer. We’re experiencing a terrible heat wave in our part of the world, making being outdoors almost impossible. To combat it, we’ve been spending a lot of time at the cottage, enjoying being pool side. While I might not be doing any major blogging, I still tend to paint…
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