At the beginning of each new year, I crave change in my decor. Perhaps it’s the dismantling of the Christmas decorations that drives it, but this year was no different in that I want a change, but at the same time feel that my taste is evolving yet again.
I’ve never been one to follow trends and truly believe your home should be a reflection of your personality and style.
I also think that your home and taste will evolve according to your current situation and season of life and one should embrace those changes as they come.
It’s not uncommon at this time of year for folks to want to ‘take on the world’ with resolutions and goals and ways to improve your blog and make more money (this seems to be a popular one). That all seems very ambitious, and makes me want to slow down even more. I miss having my family around during the day and my head hurts when I think about ‘optimizing Google searches’ by using the correct ‘keywords’ when I write…something I’ve never done.
Although I put my heart into what I do, having conversations about SEO, or how to get more Pinterest pins to drive more traffic, or growing your Facebook page or email list just isn’t me. There are many – some of whom are close friends – who do, and I appreciate why they do. For me, I love art and the ‘business’ side of it can sometimes sucks the joy out of what I do.
The blogging industry can be tricky in that if you allow it to, it can make you feel like a million bucks one day and ‘less than’ the next. So this year, I have decided to focus on those things I’m passionate about and I’d love to once again engage in conversation. I have been ridiculed in some of my circles (not to my face) for saying connection with my readers is more important to me than money, and yes I know that connection doesn’t pay the bills, but it’s those connections that are important to the core of who I am.
I don’t pass judgment on those who wish to be successful and make lots of money. Money has just never been a motivating factor for me as a person.
And speaking of things that I’m passionate about… last week while everyone was still sleeping, I woke up early(ish) and painted some abstracts. I used to paint a lot of abstracts using acrylic paint on canvas, but wanted to recreate some using watercolor. I really love the soft and calming feel of these paintings.
Even though they look super simple, there is a little learning curve to them as you need to experiment with the right amount of ‘wetness’ on the paper to achieve the right effect. Perhaps I can do a video tutorial if anyone is interested.
I had some old IKEA frames that I wanted to see against this wall and love how the gold frames compliment the art. The black frames are simple inexpensive poster frames from Michaels.
Seeing the photos now, I realize I probably should have waited for hubby to help me with the installation as leveling frames is not really my forte. Who am I kidding…leveling or centering anything is not my forte.
I will probably have him re-do them this weekend, but sometimes I get a little impatient to share these things with you.
I also placed the lamps at either side of the couch again.
I’m not sure if it’s too Christmas’ey or not, but I decided to keep the horse as it’s so pretty and I didn’t have the heart to put it away yet. And just as I think I need to move on from blue, there I go again. Which goes to show you that even though your taste might evolve, there is always going to be one or two things that remain a favourite. It’s what makes your own home and decor unique, I suppose.
I also moved the mirror to the mantel and think it fits nicely in this space. I’m kicking myself for missing a 40% off sale of ginger jars at a local shop, so I will have to wait until the next sale to buy two large ones to place at either side of the mirror.
Well, that’s all I have for today. I hope your year is off to a great start and would love to hear whether you too feel a need for change at the beginning of the year and if so, what changes have you made?
much love,
Thanks for reassuring me that I’m not the only one who feels the need to rearrange or shake things up a little after the holidays! Love your blog and your insight.
Your taste is impeccable, your photography is exquisite- any chance you’d consider revisiting your photography tips and tricks? I’d love to be able to capture feeling and light the way you do. Much love. S.
Wonderful post- good for you! Stay true to yourself.
I love watercolors, your abstracts are wonderful. Very calm, soothing, soft colors.
I like switching things up often too.
Your home is extraordinarily lovely.
I am not good with measuring, leveling, etc either. I am more an “eyeball it” sort of person. I thought your grouping looked mostly level.
I would be the same way…no waiting, just go for it!
YES! first off, love the new abstracts! they look great and more modern in their gold frames.
secondly, i am saying amen to all the blog talk. i sold my store and blogging is my only income (pitiful!) but i still can’t bring myself to go at it like “i should”… i feel pressure to, but honestly, i just want to enjoy it and connect with readers, too. last fall i feel like i tried to hard and i lost readers, and so my goal this year is to spend less and do more in life… and i will share those adventures on the blog, but i made no blog goals. when i do make them i always feel like i am not enough and i am a failure….. and who wants to feel like that? not me. so i am trying to tune out much of it, stay authentic, and hopefully grow organically.
I’m loving the new look. I would love to see your abstract water-colour tutorial. Thanks for sharing all your talents. Have a great day.
My style is still evolving after decades of making home for me and our family. Many moves, locations and needs have made it both necessary and fun! Love the water colors. Have a good day.
Amazing. Honest. Beautiful. Thank you. I feel as you do. Where your heartstrings lead, pull, tug–follow. Just follow. Money? Who needs that lol. Peace comes from following our own path. Not the path of others. Well said for this girl. Your new abstract art is tender, clean, soft and fresh. When you gaze at those your mind doesn’t have to start “working”. Kind of like music without words. A very necessary deal to push away the strife and turmoil everyday life can cause. Your home looks so pretty. I love change too. Sometimes too much as that is the industry I work in lol. But change is good. Enjoy January and thank you for sharing and uplifting your readers. Take care.
I follow a lot of blogs and I find different things I love in each blog I follow. Your blog is one of my favorites. The material you post is so beneficial and helpful. One of the best things about your blog is how good it makes me feel. I always walk away feeling inspired and feel a renewed interest in decorating my home. Words are important for sure but how you feel after reading something makes all the difference.
I’d love to see a watercolor tutorial; I even bought paints and paper to give it a try but haven’t yet. Your blog is calming and you may find yourself getting more followers anyway. I think people recognize the “push” people. I’m probably in the “late Fall of life” so this year is the year I” cleaning out, not just stuff but toxic friends, too, and even emails that suck time out of you. I’m going for a lighter year. I loved the abstracts and blue just keeps coming back for me! Do what makes your heart sing. Life is too fleeting for anything else!
Very pretty indeed, Lucy.. Just keep being You and allow the blessings to flow to you. Often too many strategies, techniques, and business ideas get in the way of where one’s heart leads.
I love all your artwork. I would LOVE to see more tutorials. Please show how you did these watercolors. Stunning
I love your blog. It was the first one I started following and still the one I look forward to. Would love to see any painting techniques tutorial. You have a wonderful gift and we are blessed when you are able to share.
Your blog is unique in a sea of sameness! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, inspiring ideas, and stunning photography. Those touches of blue are my favorite!
I am a therapist and for my own
Therapy would very much like to have u share the tutorial on the paintings u made.
Very nice site
Thank u
Lucy, your blog isn’t only gorgeous but encouraging too. I don’t have your talent but a tutorial would give me the tools to be a little creative! Thank you for sharing the beauty you create.
So beautiful, Lucy! I’m working on a gallery wall for our living right now and am inspired by your collection. Maybe I’ll try painting a water color to throw in the mix! I agree with your approach too. Once you start overthinking and over analyzing, it takes the fun out of it (for me, anyway). Keep being you!
Perfectly said sweet Lucy and your passion for all things lovely always shines through and makes you a star.
xo, Janet
I appreciate your honesty about connecting with your readers as opposed to making money. As a matter of fact I’ve stopped reading a couple of blogs lately because it seems that all they are doing is hawking products – that turns me off. I like being exposed to the latest and greatest, but when it’s very obvious and constant – no.
As for the watercolor tutorial – I’d love for you to do one on abstracts – I loved the feathers you did awhile ago and have been practicing.
Thank you so much for sharing! I can absolutely relate to your feelings on blogging + the new year, new decor mentality. I feel the same way. I’ve only been blogging for about 5 months but I didn’t start it to make money, I didn’t start it because it was trendy or popular. I have always loved writing and sharing about my life, and photography is a new hobby I’ve grown to truly enjoy. I’ve always applied the phrase “if you love what you do you’ll never work a day of your life” to my jobs and now blog + “day time job”.
I love the honesty and simply sharing your passions with your readers. It creates authenticity and I so appreciate that!
I would absolutely love to see a tutorial on how you created these abstract watercolors!
Elizabeth Davis
I admire your conviction Lucy… you always seem to have a strong internal and moral compass that guides the beauty you put into this world, the words you say (and don’t say). That’s a rare thing. Change is a sign of growth so embrace it. I love the new watercolours. They feel soft and full of promise.
Lucy, yours is one of the very few blogs that I subscribe to. While I follow many others, I don’t receive emails from them. Keep doing what you love and success will follow. I have been blogging (on and off and on again) since 2008. It was a different world then and I miss the friendships that were forged. Many have continued through other social media. We grow, we change, we share and those who connect with us will follow. Watercolor is my newest love and I would love a tutorial on abstracts.
Be blessed.
Oh, I love the arrangement, the colors, the mirror. Very peaceful room.
I love that you want to stay true to yourself and your decorating style. I find that I am weary of the “sponsored post syndrome”. I know that bloggers need to make a living but there is a difference between sharing things you love as part of your post and creating a post so you can get paid by the sponsor. So I love reading your posts and seeing your decorating (another recent pet peeve is “on- trend”. Ugh. Just do what makes you happy and is your own style.) Keep being you and enjoying what you do. It shows and we love it! Happy New Year!
I love the entire vibe of the paintings and their affect on the wall and the space as a whole. Very calming and lovely. It’s interesting to see your style evolve. It feels quite new and fresh, yet still so in tandem with what I’ve come to think of as your look. Very inspiring…
Lucy, I have been truly enjoying your blog for at least a year, maybe two. I read others too, including Cassie’s Primitive and Proper, who also commented. I have been wondering why some blogs and bloggers go on to have their own product lines like paint and fabric and even their own online stores, write books and have speaking engagements, etc. I don’t know anything about optimizing goggle searches or SEO, but you and Cassie seem to be confirming that blogging is hard work and competitive. That said, I love your photography and your artwork, and love, love, love that you generously offer free printables. I have downloaded many. Although you don’t push it on your blog, in fact, I have made several purchases of your pieces on Society 6. So, keep on doing what you are doing, Lucy, and providing inspiration for your readers. It is appreciated.
I love this post and your sentiments!….So well said! Loving your beautiful abstracts!
Love your abstracts and I would love to see a tutorial of the principals and methods.
beautifully decorated house greet with Polish
I’m a pretty new reader here, and I’m totally captivated so far by everything I see. Our styles are very different, but I’m so inspired seeing what you do and how you do it. Please keep up the beautiful work! And yes, I’d love to see a tutorial on the abstracts, please! — Jenny
I am definitely awaiting the abstract watercolor tutorial. How could anyone not have an evolving sense of style? I do, and I’m beyond retirement after a long career! I’m only one of many who will continue to follow your posts, because your artistic talents and style are refreshing. .
I adore these new pieces of art Lucy and particularly love your sentiments on blogging. Creative people are often at loggerheads with the technical and monetary side of blogging because we create with passion and that comes from the heart, not logic. Keep doing what you are doing…. it’s perfect!
Love that you do that which makes you happy without money in mind. My daughter is a graphic designer, artist, illustrator, and author and is always trying new mediums. So many respond telling her “you should market that” which she replies “not everything is about making money! I do what pleases me!” I love following your journey and continue to go what truly inspires you!
I rarely comment, mostly because I’m in a hurry and I tell myself one more minute
I always look forward to your posts, and especially your ‘voice’. I have to say I subscribe to only a few blogs now as I’ve reevaluated what’s important, more so, am I learning something?
Anyway, as a closet want-to-be painter, I love your work, your aesthetic, and now your point of view. Wishing you a new year that’s meaningful and filled with that which makes you happy!
I would love to see an abstract video tutorial!
This is so beautiful Lucy. Equally as beautiful is your heart. It says A LOT that people and relationships mean more to you than money.
The business of blogging can suck the fun and camaraderie right out of it. You seem to be striking a healthy balance of capitalizing on professional opportunities while creating beautiful and useful content and relationships with your readers. Can’t wait to see your creative adventures this year.
Good for you for following your heart! I let my little blog determine my happy factor for nearly three years; finally I gave it up and deleted it entirely. Now I have another little blog that I use only, really, to keep a list of my favorite blogs to read daily. So great to feel free of being owned by a blog! Your home is always so soft and lovely, soothing and happy. As for the first of the year, as soon as I take down the Christmas tree, I go into total “throw everything away that hasn’t moved in the past month”
I love to clean out and organize, and especially this time of year.
I LOVE these. Any chance you are going to sell prints of this on Society 6? I would buy them. I have purchased your bird prints.
I, too, would love to see the watercolour tutorial. Your living room looks so serene; I want to take an afternoon nap there! lol
A cool interior solution to make your home more comfortable and cool. I used a similar solution from posters I found at to improve a few walls in my house and make them a bit more personal.
In mythology and folklore: The term “godchild” can be used more broadly to refer to any