As we see the glamorous gown of 2013 fade away into the distance, we roll out a glittering carpet for the newly crowned year. Its freshness makes an appearance into our lives and we feel revitalized and ready for new beginnings.
The clock has reset itself, giving us an opportunity to start over. And we have willingly and gratefully accepted the invitation.
As I reflect upon 2013, I feel once again humbled, blessed and filled with a grateful heart. Though there were still struggles along the way, we are able to say we made it through another year. Always knowing that the Almighty God held us through the good and the bad.
It is with great joy and anticipation that I will open this new chapter called 2014. It has been said so many times, the pages are blank and it is up to us to write a beautiful story.
Thank you my dear friends for all of your support throughout the year. Your daily visits and encouraging comments are never ever taken for granted. I will end with my usual ‘much love’, but it’s during times like these, when nostalgia settles deep into my heart that I realize that those aren’t just written words. They are from the heart, as you have become such an important part of my life and everything I do for this little blog I do with ‘much love’.
Happy New Year my sweet, sweet friends…xo
would you follow earch others&
let me know!
Beautiful reflection. Happy New Year!
GREAT list. Gonna have to make that my own, too
So eloquently spoken. Love your list – it hit’s all the important areas. Happy New Year with abundant blessings.
Well said! Happy New Year!
Much love to you Lucy and a very Happy 2014!
lovely, Happy New year to you.
Happy new year! i really like the way you have compiled the list
Your list inspired me. You put time and thought into it, and it spoke to my heart today.
Thanks for blogging. I enjoy every visit here.
Wishing you joy in the year ahead!
I love this, Lucy. May your 2014 be blessed with love, laughter and all the “mores” on your list! Happy New Year!
Beautiful post! Love your NY resolutions. Happy New Year, Lucy!!
Lovin your 2014 list – there are many “to do’s” that I would like to have on my bucket list. I love your art work, hoping to purchase something deery for the husband’s man cave. I hope you will consider sharing your monthly calendars again, I print a copy out for my desk at work and home, always so beautiful.
Beautiful post! Wishing you many blessings for the New Year!!
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